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Archive of Important Announcements

July 21, 2022: Ontario extends sick leave program until March 2023

Ontario will be extending its temporary paid sick leave program by about eight months as the province continues to battle the spread of COVID-19.

The program, which offers up to three paid sick days per employee, will remain in place until March 31, 2023. It was originally set to expire at the end of July.

In a news release issued Thursday, the government said eligible workers will continue to receive up to $200 a day if they need to get tested, vaccinated, self-isolate, or care for a family member who is ill from COVID-19.

Learn more.

June 14, 2022: Ottawa to drop COVID-19 vaccine mandates, allowing unvaccinated Canadians to board planes, trains

Unvaccinated Canadians will soon be able to fly domestically and overseas, as the federal government is dropping its COVID-19 vaccine mandates, the Star has learned.

The announcement, which is expected Tuesday, includes dropping the public sector requirement that all bureaucrats be vaccinated, as well as clearing the way for unvaccinated Canadians to board planes and trains. It will come into effect June 20.

Foreign travellers, however, will still need to show proof of vaccination and unvaccinated Canadians returning to Canada will need to quarantine.

Read more.

March 9, 2022: Ontario to drop most mask mandates on March 21, remaining pandemic rules to lift by end of April

Ontario will scrap most mask mandates — including in schools, restaurants and stores — across the province on March 21, with remaining COVID-19 regulations also set to drop by the end of April.

Learn more here.

February 14, 2022: Ontario to remove vaccine passport system on March 1, masking requirements to remain in place

The Ontario government will remove its proof of vaccination system on March 1, and is moving up the second phase of its COVID-19 reopening plan to Thursday.

The province said in a news release on Monday that, despite removing the vaccine passport system, businesses and other settings may choose to continue to require proof of vaccination.

Masking requirements will remain in place at this time.

Learn more here.

January 24, 2022: Ontario Labour Relations Board COVID-19 Operations, Notices and Decisions of Interest

The Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) is posting COVID-19 related decisions of interest on their website

Learn more here.

January 3, 2022: Ontario COVID-19 restrictions for modified Step 2 starting Jan. 5

The Ontario government announced more COVID-19 restrictions on Monday due to the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, saying the province will return to a modified Step 2 of the reopening plan.

Premier Doug Ford announced the new measures during a news conference as hospitalizations due to COVID-19 and case counts increased across the province.

Read more here.

December 22, 2021: Winnipeg expands COVID-19 vaccination policy to all workers

The city of Winnipeg in Manitoba has expanded its COVID-19 vaccine requirement to now apply to all city employees.

The expansion would cover all 10,400 City workers including those currently working remotely.

Read more.

December 7, 2021: Ontario Extends Infectious Disease Emergency Leave (IDEL) Until End of July 2022

On December 7, 2021, Ontario announced that IDEL, both paid and unpaid, will be extended until the end of July 2022. In particular, employees can continue to access paid IDEL to get tested, get vaccinated, self-isolate, or care for a family member, until at least July 31, 2022. In addition, the Province will extend the temporary changes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 that prevent temporary layoffs of non-unionized employees from becoming unwanted terminations, which can trigger severance payments and force businesses to close, until July 30, 2022. Previously, the regular temporary layoff rules were set to resume next month.
For further details, read the news release here.

November 26, 2021: Ottawa introduces what it hopes is ‘final’ bill to implement pandemic business, income supports

The Liberal government has unveiled legislation to implement targeted financial supports for the business sectors it says still face “significant pandemic-related challenges” and for individuals hit by lockdowns.

On Nov. 24, Bill C-2 was introduced into the House of Commons by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, with the dual aims “to create jobs and implement targeted COVID-19 support.”

Read more here.

November 24, 2021: Premier Ford to extend emergency orders under Reopening Ontario Act

Premier Doug Ford and his government have been granted an extension to all emergency powers under the Reopening Ontario Act. The motion by Solicitor General Sylvia Jones, which was passed late Tuesday, read that Ford recommended the extension.

“Whereas the Premier recommended that the powers to amend and extend the orders be extended further to the end of the day on March 28, 2022,” the motion read. “Therefore, the powers to amend and extend the orders referred to in subsection 8 (1) of the Act are extended until the end of the day on March 28, 2022.”

The powers give Ford and his government the right to extend all 28 emergency orders under the Reopening Ontario Act, which were supposed to expire on December 1.

Read more here.

November 3, 2021: Ontario to offer COVID-19 boosters to everyone 12 and up, with those 70-plus eligible this week

Ontario plans to eventually offer booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines to all residents, officials said Wednesday, with the next priority groups able to start booking appointments starting this week.

Those select groups, representing about 2.75 million people, can begin booking appointments at 8 a.m. ET on Saturday Nov. 6, officials said.

The groups immediately eligible include:

  • Ontarians aged 70 and older, who are at higher risk of waning immunity at about six months after their second dose and are also more susceptible to severe illness from COVID-19.
  • Health-care workers and designated essential caregivers in congregate settings.
  • Ontarians who had two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, or those who received  one shot of the Janssen vaccine elsewhere.
  • First Nations, Inuit and Métis people and non-Indigenous members of their households.

Read more here.

October 25, 2021: Ontario Announces the Extension of the COVID-19 Period to January 1, 2022

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ontario government made a regulation that changed certain Employment Standards Act (ESA) rules during the “COVID-19 period.” This regulation has been amended to extend the COVID-19 period to January 1, 2022.

During this period:

    • A non-unionized employee whose employer has temporarily reduced or temporarily eliminated their hours of work for reasons related to COVID-19 is deemed to be on a job-protected unpaid infectious disease emergency leave.
    • A non-unionized employee is not considered to be laid off if their employer temporarily reduces or temporarily eliminates their hours of work or wages for reasons related to COVID-19.
    • A non-unionized employee is not considered to be constructively dismissed under the ESA if their employer temporarily reduces or temporarily eliminates their hours of work or wages for reasons related to COVID-19.

October 22, 2021: Capacity limits for restaurants, gyms to lift Monday as part of 6-month reopening plan

By the end of March, all pandemic restrictions in Ontario could be a thing of the past, ushering the province back to a pre-COVID-19 era.

The province announced on Friday that barring any major setbacks, it intends to lift all public health and workplace safety measures by March 28, 2022.

Read more here.

October 7, 2021: Alberta announces supports for businesses trying to enforce COVID-19 restrictions

The Alberta government has announced new supports for businesses to help them implement and enforce COVID-19 measures including the province’s version of a vaccination passport.

The measures, introduced Thursday by Premier Jason Kenney, include a one-time, $2,000 implementation grant for small- and medium-sized businesses using Alberta’s restriction exemption program; a $1-million fund to support training to ensure employee safety; and a doubling of fines, from $2,000 to $4,000, for individuals who mistreat public-facing workers trying to enforce it.

Read more here.

October 5, 2021: COVID-19 and Ontario’s Human Rights Code – Questions and Answers

The OHRC has developed a series of questions and answers for understanding your human rights and obligations during the COVID-19 pandemic. These questions and answers cover the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees, tenants and landlords, as well as residential institutions.

Read more here.

October 1, 2021: Ontario makes vaccination against COVID-19 mandatory for long-term care staff and volunteers

The province had previously allowed unvaccinated employees to participate in a rapid testing program but will now require all in-home workers, students and volunteers to be fully vaccinated by Nov. 15.

Read more here.

September 27, 2021: Ontario adds extra labour inspectors, workplace safety tool to help business in face of COVID-19

On Sept. 27, the Ontario government announced the launch of a Workplace Safety Plan Builder to “help businesses stay on top of health and safety guidance,” as well as extra labour inspectors to ensure COVID-19 safety requirements are being adhered to.

Read more here.

September 22, 2021: Ontario Human Rights Commission releases policy statement on COVID-19 vaccines

The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) released a policy statement today on COVID-19 vaccine mandates and proof of vaccine certificates.

The OHRC policy statement provides helpful guidance for all employers in Ontario:

While receiving a COVID-19 vaccine remains voluntary, the OHRC takes the position that mandating and requiring proof of vaccination to protect people at work or when receiving services is generally permissible under the Human Rights Code (Code) as long as protections are put in place to make sure people who are unable to be vaccinated for Code-related reasons are reasonably accommodated. This applies to all organizations.

Upholding individual human rights while trying to collectively protect the general public has been a challenge throughout the pandemic. Organizations must attempt to balance the rights of people who have not been vaccinated due to a Code-protected ground, such as disability, while ensuring individual and collective rights to health and safety.

We will continue to monitor the impact of such vaccine mandates on employers and employees. Check this page for further updates and stay informed on your rights and obligations.

Read more here.

September 21, 2021: The Ontario government extends the “COVID-19 Period” under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 until January 1, 2022

The amendment can be found here.

September 20, 2021: Rudner Law COVID-19 Fact Sheet

We wanted to offer a guide to some of the most common issues that we have been asked about in recent weeks about returning to the office. This guide is by no means comprehensive, and more information is available on our website. Most importantly, though, every situation is different, and you should get advice based on yours; contact our office to set up a Strategy Session before taking any crucial steps.

Download the new guide here.

September 16, 2021: Alberta mandates WFH under new COVID-19 restrictions

Alberta has implemented a string of new measures in a bid to stamp out the spread of COVID-19, including proof-of-vaccinations and mandatory work-from-home schemes for employers. The new measures, which take effect today, require employers to implement work-from-home plans – unless physical presence is absolutely required for organizational operations.

Read more here.

September 1, 2021: Paid Infectious Disease Emergency Leave (IDEL) has been extended to Dec 31/21.

On April 29, 2021, the Ontario Government amended the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) to require employers to provide employees with up to three days of paid infectious disease emergency leave because of certain reasons related to covid 19. This entitlement is in addition to employees’ rights to unpaid infectious disease emergency leave.

This program has been extended.

Read more here.

August 24, 2021: Ontario chamber of commerce issues guidance for businesses on proof-of-vax protocols

Ontario’s chamber of commerce released a framework Tuesday for private sector businesses seeking to develop COVID-19 proof-of-vaccination protocols, a move it said aimed to provide support in the absence of government guidance.

The organization – which represents more than 150 chambers of commerce and boards of trade in the province – said implementing proof-of-vaccination would help businesses safely reopen and mitigate the risk of further lockdowns.

Read more here.

August 24, 2021: Masks to become mandatory in Manitoba again; new vaccine rules for government workers

The Manitoba government will require designated provincial employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Oct. 31 or undergo regular testing, and will reintroduce a mask mandate for indoor public spaces in the coming days.

Read more here.

August 17, 2021: Ford government approves mandatory COVID-19 vaccine or testing policy for education and health workers

Ontario plans to introduce a set of policies requiring employers in education and several health-care settings to develop strict COVID-19 vaccination policies for their staff. Dr. Kieran Moore’s directive covering hospitals, ambulance services and community and home-care service providers won’t make vaccination mandatory, but those who decline the shots will be regularly tested for the virus.

Read more here.

August 13, 2021: Federal government to require vaccinations for all federal public servants, air and train passengers

Transport Minister Omar Alghabra announced today that the federal government will soon require that all public servants be vaccinated — a mandate that he said will also be implemented by Crown corporations and other federally regulated businesses in the coming weeks.

Read more here.

August 5, 2021: Layoffs are layoffs again in Saskatchewan

The Saskatchewan Government repealed Sections 44.2 to 44.4 of The Employment Standards Regulations.

Read more here.

August 3, 2021: End date for CRB, CRCB, CRSB pushed until October

Ottawa has announced the extension of the eligibility period for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) until Oct. 23, 2021. It is also increasing the rate of support employers and organizations can receive during the period between Aug. 29 and Sept. 25, 2021.

Read more here.

July 9, 2021: Ontario to enter Step 3 of COVID-19 reopening early, detects 1st cases of lambda variant

Ontario is moving to Step 3 of its reopening plan next Friday, five days earlier than planned, allowing for larger indoor and outdoor gatherings, the province said today.

Read more here.

June 24, 2021: Region of Waterloo will delay moving to Step 2 of the Provincial Reopening framework

Based on current data and the prevalence of the Delta variant locally, the Region of Waterloo will delay moving to Step 2 of the Provincial Reopening framework for now.

Read more here.

June 24, 2021: Ontario to move to Step 2 of reopening ahead of schedule

The Ontario government has confirmed that the province will enter the second stage of its COVID-19 reopening strategy two days ahead of schedule.

This means that starting Wednesday, people will once again be able to host indoor gatherings of up to five people, meet with up to 25 people outdoors, and finally, after months of closure, book personal care services like hair cuts.

Read more here.

June 21, 2021: Canada lifting restrictions for fully vaccinated travellers starting July 5

Canada will be lifting most international travel restrictions for Canadians, permanent residents, and certain foreign nationals who are fully vaccinated, starting July 5.

Effective July 5 at 11:59 p.m. EDT travellers who are currently able to enter Canada under the existing rules will be able to do so without having to self-isolate for 14 days, taking a test on day eight, or having to stay in a quarantine hotel upon arrival, if they are fully immunized against COVID-19.

Read more here.

June 18, 2021: Alberta to lift COVID-19 restrictions on Canada Day after 70 per cent vaccine threshold reached

Alberta will lift all COVID-19 restrictions on Canada Day after more than 70 per cent of eligible Albertans have received a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, Premier Jason Kenney announced Friday.

As of end-of-day Thursday, 70.2 per cent of Albertan’s aged 12 and older received their first dose, Kenney said.

June 9, 2021: COVID-19 Period in Ontario’s Infectious Disease Emergency Leave has been extended until September 25, 2021.

In response to the pandemic, the Ontario government made a regulation that changed certain Employment Standards Act (ESA) rules during the period. The temporary rules continue to be in effect until September 25..

Infectious disease emergency leave remains available to employees covered by the ESA after the end of the period on September 25, 2021.

This means that the period ends on September 25, 2021, and non-unionized employees will no longer be deemed to be on infectious disease emergency leave by the regulation made by the government. However, if certain conditions are met, unionized and non-unionized employees may continue to be eligible for infectious disease emergency leave if they are not performing the duties of their position for certain reasons related to .

Read more here.

June 9, 2021: State of emergency extended in British Columbia

COVID-19 cases are on the decline and inter-provincial travel restrictions may soon be lifted, but British Columbia remains in a state of emergency.

The B.C. government announced Tuesday that it has formally extended the provincial state of emergency until June 22, allowing government and health management officials to continue using “extraordinary powers” under the Emergency Program Act.

Read more here.

June 7, 2021: Ontario could enter first stage of reopening plan as early as Friday

Ontario could enter the first stage of its reopening plan by this weekend, allowing non-essential retail stores to reopen and bars and restaurants to begin serving customers on their patios.

Health Minister Christine Elliott told CTV News Toronto on Monday that the province is considering formally entering the first stage of its three-stage reopening plan as early as June 11, which is three days ahead of the Ford government’s target date of June 14.

Read more here.

June 1, 2021: CRA commences comprehensive Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy audits

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has warned taxpayers that it intends to closely monitor CEWS claims and that employers that do not meet the CEWS eligibility criteria or that abuse the program will face severe penalties, even fines, in addition to being forced to reimburse amounts previously received, with interest. Yet, with an initial acceptance rate of nearly 99 per cent, this scrutiny has not yet materialized.

This is about to change. In March 2021, the auditor general of Canada expressed its concern that in prioritizing rapid payments of the CEWS, the CRA sacrificed certain controls and ignored information that would have helped assess the validity of claims prior to issuing payments.

Read more here.

May 20, 2021: Ontario reveals 3-step plan to gradually reopen this summer

The province has released a three-step economic plan for reopening Ontario based on decreased daily COVID-19 case counts, lower hospitalization rates, and the percentage of vaccinated residents that will see restrictions gradually lift through the summer, into September.

Once 60 percent of adults have one dose of a vaccine, larger outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people will be allowed, as well as outdoor dining for up to four people per table.

Then, once the province reaches the 70 percent vaccination threshold (with 20 percent fully vaccinated), indoor gatherings will be able to resume as outdoor activities expand.

And finally, once the province gets to vaccinate roughly 70-80 percent of the population with one shot and 25 percent fully vaccinated against the virus, restrictions will lift further, allowing for large outdoor and indoor gatherings, indoor dining, and essential and non-essential retail opening at limited capacity.

Read more here.

May 13, 2021: Ontario extends stay-at-home order to at least June 2, announces vaccination for youth 12-17

Ontario is extending its stay-at-home order an extra two weeks until at least June 2 as the province continues battling to reduce COVID-19 case numbers and free up overcrowded hospitals.

Youth aged 12 to 17 and family members who have not received a vaccine will be eligible to arrange a vaccination appointment through the province’s online booking system starting May 31.

Read more here.

May 11, 2021: B.C. to give all workers up to three days of paid sick leave until end of 2021

With no federal paid sick-day program in sight, as the province was hoping for, B.C. has started its own stop-gap for those without sick pay until they can access federal money.

All workers in B.C. will received up to three days of paid sick leave until end of 2021 in an effort to support those affected by COVID-19.

Labour Minister Harry Bains introduced the legislation on Tuesday, saying it would be effective until Dec. 31.

Read more here.

May 7, 2021: Ontario, feds roll out COVID-19 rapid testing for small and medium businesses

Employees of small and medium-sized businesses across Ontario can now receive rapid screening for COVID-19 through a new program launched jointly by the provincial and federal governments and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce.

Read more here.

May 5, 2021: Canada Recovery Hiring Benefit (CRHB)

The Federal government has introduced the Canada Recovery Hiring Benefit (CRHB), which provides employers with a subsidy of up to 50 percent on the wages paid to newly hired employees between June 6, 2021 and November 20, 2021. It can also be used for wage increases.

Employers qualify for this program if they have a drop in revenue using the same criteria as are used to determine eligibility for the CEWS. Like CEWS, this is a benefit with subsidies that diminish over time. Note that you cannot claim both the CEWS and the CRHB for the same employee.

MNP has a handy summary here.

April 28, 2021: Ontario launches COVID-19 worker protection plan, includes 3 paid sick days until late September

Ontario’s finance and labour ministers announced Wednesday the province is introducing a “Worker Protection Benefit” that will allow for qualified workers to receive three paid sick days for full-time and part-time positions.

As part of the plan through the Employment Standards Act, if passed, eligible workers will qualify for mental health days and will be able to stay home in order to care for relatives or family members sick with COVID-19.

Contingent on approval by the feds, this will raise the federal paid sick day program to $1,000 a week for four weeks. Payments will be administered through Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and introduce requirements that will grant people paid time off to receive a vaccine.

Read more here.

April 21, 2021: Paid leave for COVID-19 vaccines now the law in Alberta

Alberta workers have been given up to three hours paid leave to get vaccinated against COVID-19, one day after the idea was suggested by the opposition in the legislature.

Read more here.

April 20, 2021: Federal budget 2021 – Job Support

  • Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy and Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy to be extended to September 5th, 2021. 
  • $595 million to help businesses both rehire workers and hire new employees through the Canada Hiring Program. This program will provide eligible employers with up to $1121 per week for employees hired between June 6th to November 20th, 2021. Eligible employers would claim the higher of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy or the new proposed subsidy.
  • Establishing the new Apprenticeship Service, $470 million over three years, to help 55,000 first-year apprentices in construction and manufacturing Red Seal trades.
  • Employers would be eligible to receive up to $5,000 for all first-year apprenticeship opportunities to pay for upfront costs such as salaries and training.
  • This incentive will be doubled to $10,000 for employers who hire those underrepresented, including women, racialized Canadians, and persons with disabilities.
  • Employment Insurance sickness benefits have been extended from 15 weeks to 26 weeks.

Read more here.

April 20, 2021: Peel Region orders workplaces with 5+ COVID-19 cases to shut down

Peel Public Health has issued a order that will force any business with five or more cases of the virus in the last 14 days to temporarily shut down.

The updated Section 22 order directs those businesses to close for at least 10 days in situations where the cases in question could have “reasonably been acquired” at the workplace, or if no “obvious source of infection” can be traced outside of the workplace.

The release from Peel Public Health says the new measures are necessary to quickly stop the spread, protect the healthcare system and save lives.

Read more here.

April 16, 2021: Ford announces new restrictions as COVID-19 cases threaten to remain high all summer

Ontario will step up enforcement powers for police and extend its stay-at-home order to a minimum of six weeks in a bid to stem the exponential rise in COVID-19 cases, but won’t institute paid sick days — despite modelling showing that cases will remain high through the summer without additional support for essential workers.

Read more here.

April 12, 2021: Ontario schools closing to in-person learning indefinitely as COVID-19 cases soar

Ontario schools will stay closed indefinitely to in-person learning as COVID-19 cases continue to surge in the province.
Premier Doug Ford made the announcement on Monday alongside Education Minister Stephen Lecce at Queen’s Park following a cabinet meeting earlier in the day.
Sources told CTV News Toronto the decision was made this weekend after the province posted a record-breaking number of COVID-19 and intensive care admissions.
Read more here.

April 8, 2021: Workplace Inspection Campaign Launching In COVID-19 Hotspots

The Ontario government is launching a series of zero-tolerance workplace safety inspections in sectors and regions hardest hit by COVID-19, beginning with warehouses, food processors and manufacturers in Peel and Halton Regions.
Read more here.

April 7, 2021: Ontario issues stay-at-home order and declares third state of emergency

Ontario has declared its third state of emergency since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and will be implementing a provincewide stay-at-home order as of Thursday.

Premier Doug Ford made the announcement Wednesday after hours of discussion with his cabinet.

The stay-at home order will go into effect at 12:01 a.m. Thursday and will last 28 days.

Read more here.

April 1, 2021: British Columbia – Job-protected leave for workers to get COVID-19 vaccine

As part of B.C.’s COVID-19 Immunization Plan, workers can take the time they need to receive the COVID-19 vaccine without fear of losing their jobs. Read more here.
The province also expanded its unpaid, job-protected leave related to COVID-19. Read more here.

April 1, 2021: British Columbia Human rights tribunal puts anti-maskers on notice, saying complaints require proof of disability

The B.C. Human Rights Tribunal has made it clear that anyone thinking of filing a complaint because they were told to wear a mask in a store will actually have to prove they have a disability that prevents them from doing so.
Read more here.

April 1, 2021: Ontario imposes province-wide ’emergency brake’ as 3rd wave of COVID-19 hits hard

The Ontario government is imposing a province-wide “emergency brake” starting Saturday, but stopped short of a stay-at-home order, despite modelling showing such a measure could significantly curb the surge in COVID-19 case numbers and hospitalizations.

The measure comes into effect as of 12:01 a.m. on April 3, the province said in a news release, and will be in place for at least four weeks.

Read more here.

March 22, 2021: Ontario restaurant workers will get COVID-19 vaccine in Phase 2, officials now confirm

Ontario officials confirmed Monday that restaurant workers will in fact be included in Phase 2 of the province’s COVID-19 rollout, despite not being included a week earlier.
Read more here.

March 19, 2021: Federal government extends coverage periods

The federal government has extended the coverage period of the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) and Caregiving Benefit (CRCB), along with the emergency provisions of the Employment Insurance (EI).
Read more here.

March 19, 2021: Saskatchewan brings in ‘special vaccination leave’

Saskatchewan is providing workers with time off to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

The province has amended the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020 to give employees paid time off especially for that purpose, effective March 18, 2021.

Read more here.

March 18, 2021: Ontario Extending Temporary Wage Enhancement for Personal Support Workers

The Ontario government is investing $239 million to extend temporary wage enhancements for personal support workers and direct support workers in publicly funded home and community care, long-term care, public hospitals, and social services sectors. These temporary wage enhancements will continue until June 30, 2021 and will help stabilize, attract and retain the workforce needed to provide a high level of care, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read more here.

March 17, 2021: CERB Repayments

The Ontario government is making it easier for businesses to test for COVID-19 in the workplace by providing guidance to employees who want to self-swab for a rapid antigen point-of-care test on a voluntary basis under the supervision of a trained individual. Based on the success of the initial deployment of rapid antigen testing, the government is also expanding the program to more sectors including first responders, emergency medical services, trucking and transportation, wastewater management, and post-secondary institutions.
Read more here.

March 10, 2021: CERB Repayments

If a dismissed employee receives Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and then either negotiates additional severance or obtains some through a court award, do they have to pay back the CERB amounts? According to at least one Ontario Judge, the answer is no.
Read more here.

March 3, 2021: Ontario Hires 100 Additional Health and Safety Inspectors

The Ontario government has hired over 100 new occupational health and safety inspectors to support business inspection campaigns, and help ensure employees, businesses and the public are protected. The new inspectors have begun a condensed training program, and will begin making field visits, with a mentor, within five weeks of their start date. They are scheduled to be fully trained and deployed by July 1, 2021.
Read more here.

March 3, 2021: Federal COVID-19 subsidy program rates maintained

On March 3, 2021, the Federal Government announced their intention to maintain the current rate structure for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) and Lockdown Support program through to June 5, 2021.
Thank you Phillip Spring at MNP for the insight. Read more here.

March 3, 2021: Toronto announces new workplace safety rules and proactive enforcement blitz.

Toronto Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa announced Wednesday that she is officially recommending that Toronto transition into the grey zone of the province’s framework next week, and she also introduced a number of new restrictions for workplaces in active oubtreak to help ensure the safety of all workers.

Speaking during the city’s COVID-19 briefing Wednesday, de Villa said it’s important to act in ways that don’t squander all the work we’ve done to get to this point as the city moves towards reopening.

Read more here.

February 19, 2021: COVID-19 emergency benefits including CRB, sickness benefit, to be extended

The federal government is extending many of its emergency COVID-19 benefits as the pandemic rages on, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced.

Read more here.

February 18, 2021: Ontario extends all emergency orders under the Reopening Ontario Act until March 21

The Ontario government has extended all emergency orders under the Reopening Ontario Act (ROA) for at least another month.

The government made the announcement on Thursday afternoon through a statement posted to their website.

The emergency orders, which were set to expire on Feb. 19, have been extended until March 21.

Read more here.

February 18, 2021: Resources to prevent COVID-19 in the workplace

Find sector-specific guidelines and posters to help protect workers, customers and the general public from coronavirus (COVID-19) in Ontario.

Read more here.

February 18, 2021: COVID-19 safety checklist for workplaces

Employers can use this checklist to make sure their covid 19 workplace safety plan contains key elements to help protect workers, customers and the general public.

Read more here.

February 10, 2021: COVID-19 inspections to focus on warehouses, distribution centres in Peel Region

The next phase of Ontario’s workplace “inspection blitz” is expected to focus on warehouses and distribution centres in Peel Region, a COVID-19 hot spot with a high number of essential workers.

Labour Minister Monte McNaughton said inspections, which began Wednesday, would target more than 100 distribution centres in the region.

He said employers who don’t follow public health guidelines, such as physical distancing, screening for infection and mask-wearing, and fail to keep workers safe will be ticketed or shut down.

Read more here.

February 9, 2021: Ineligible self-employed Canadians who received CERB due to ‘unclear’ information won’t be forced to repay

Self-employed Canadians who claimed up to $14,000 in Canada Emergency Response Benefits despite being ineligible will not have to repay the money, National Post has learned.

Employment Minister Carla Qualtrough is set to make the announcement — which marks a 180-degree flip of the government’s previous position — as early as Tuesday, according to sources with knowledge of the file.

Read more here.

February 3, 2021: Quebec’s lockdown restrictions will be partially lifted, but the province’s curfew will remain in place

Premier Francois Legault announced that with Quebec’s daily new cases of COVID-19 and hospitalizations due to the virus declining, stores, hair salons and museums will be allowed to reopen on Feb. 8.

However, the province’s curfew will remain in place, as Legault stressed that Quebecers must keep up their efforts to combat the pandemic. Visits to private homes will continue to be prohibited.

Read more here.

January 27, 2021: Feds unveil new support program for small businesses; PM says new border measures coming soon

The federal government has created a new support program for small-business owners as they continue to navigate the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ottawa released details of its Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program (HASCAP) Jan. 26. Through HASCAP, the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) will work with Canadian financial institutions to offer government-guaranteed, low-interest loans of up to $1 million. Hard-hit businesses, like a chain of hotels or restaurants with multiple locations under one related business entity, could be eligible for up to $6.25 million.

Read more here.

January 25, 2021: Ford government extends state of emergency, coronavirus stay-at-home order for additional 14 days

Included as a line in a news release about the vaccine program, the province says both the state of emergency and the stay-at-home order will now extend until at least Feb. 9.

Read more here.

January 14, 2021: Six legal questions on employee travel in a pandemic

The news has been filled lately with coverage of various Canadian politicians and health-care workers being lambasted for travelling outside of the country as leaders admonish the rest of us to stay home. So, how should employers respond to workers who may be considering taking a vacation to a sunny destination?

Canadian HR Reporter asked Brittany Taylor, partner at Rudner Law in Toronto, about how these situations should best be handled.

Read more here.

January 14, 2021: Ontario Government Provides More Details on Stay at Home Order

On Tuesday, as he had forewarned, Premier Ford announced new restrictions in Ontario designed to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The restrictions came into force at midnight on January 14th, and the government released additional details late on January 13th.

Read more here.

January 14, 2021: Ontario to conduct weekend big box store inspection blitz to enforce pandemic rules

Ontario labour inspectors will conduct a weekend inspection blitz of big-box stores to enforce public health rules.

The province’s labour minister says 50 inspectors will visit stores in Toronto, Hamilton, Peel Region, York Region and Durham Region.

Read more here.

January 13, 2021: Ontario courts will sit virtually except when absolutely necessary, chief justices say after stay-at-home order

Courts should only require in-person appearances when absolutely necessary, said Ontario’s chief justices Wednesday in light of the province’s stay-at-home order.

Jury trials across the province have also been further suspended until May 3.

Read more here.

January 13, 2021: Ontario Government Issues 2nd State of Emergency Order, Imposes New Restrictions

As Premier Ford forewarned, his government has issued a new state of emergency order along with a plethora of new restrictions designed to stop the spread of COVID-19. These measures come in light of rising case numbers and deaths along with modelling that forecasts 6000 cases per day and a health care system “on the brink of collapse.”

Read more here.

January 12, 2021: Enhancing Public Health and Workplace Safety Measures in the Provincewide Shutdown

The information contained in this document is intended to communicate a summary of information about measures proposed to come into effect in Ontario or in areas of Ontario between Tuesday January 12, 2021 and Thursday, January 14, 2021.The material is not legal advice and does not purport to be or to provide an interpretation of the law.In the event of any conflict or difference between this summary information and any applicable legislation or regulation, the legislation or regulation prevails.

Read more here.

January 12, 2021: The expenses you can claim on your 2020 tax return if you’ve been working from home

The Canada Revenue Agency is broadening the eligibility for people with home office expenses to include a wider range of workers.

Read more here.

January 11, 2021: Canada Revenue Agency to begin issuing T4As to COVID-19 emergency and recovery benefit recipients

Starting today, Canadians will begin receiving T4A slips from the CRA for these benefits to support their tax filing. The T4A is virtually identical to the T4 slips Canadians are used to receiving from their employers, but rather than employment income, they provide the amounts of COVID-19 benefits received from the CRA in 2020. Residents of Quebec will receive both a T4A and a RL-1 slip. T4As will be sent out in waves.

Read more here.

January 6, 2021: Toronto Public Health will publicly announce businesses that have had a COVID-19 outbreak

Stuart joined Melanie on Breakfast Television Toronto to chat about how the city is requiring employers to inform if they have 2+ confirmed cases amongst employees, and how Public Health is promising to better inform people of which workplaces are experiencing outbreaks.

Watch here.

December 22, 2020: Province Provides $5 Million to Support Manitoba Restaurants Impacted by Covid-19 Restrictions

The Manitoba government is providing $5 million to the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce to develop a program that provides financial relief to dine-in restaurants that have been affected financially by the province moving to Critical (red) on the #RestartMB Pandemic Response System and resulting public health orders, Premier Brian Pallister announced.

Read more here.

December 21, 2020: Grant program now accessible to more B.C. businesses

The B.C. government has enhanced the Small and Medium-Sized Business Recovery Grant program to make it easier for businesses to qualify and has increased support for those in the hard-hit tourism sector.

The program is part of StrongerBC: BC’s Economic Recovery Plan. The plan outlines the latest steps the Government of British Columbia is taking to help people, businesses and communities come out of COVID-19 stronger and better prepared.

Read more here.

December 18, 2020: Online applications open for BC Recovery Benefit

Online applications are now open for British Columbians to apply for the BC Recovery Benefit.

Read more here.

December 17, 2020: Reprieve for employers: temporary layoffs will not become deemed terminations until July

While we were all wondering what would happen on January 2, 2021 when temporary layoffs/leaves were set to expire, the Ontario government has announced that the temporary layoff rules under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 will be inapplicable until July 3, 2021.

Originally set to expire on January 2, 2021, the extension of this amendment ensures that workers remain employed while providing relief to employers.

This means that for the purpose of the statute, temporary layoffs will be prevented from automatically becoming terminations. Previously, COVID-19 related layoffs were converted to Infectious Disease Emergency Leaves (IDEL).

Please note that this does not change the common law, and temporary layoffs may still be constructive dismissals pursuant to common law.
We will continue to monitor the situation and provide further updates.

Read more here.

December 14, 2020: Dismissal For Cause Upheld For Failing To Follow COVID-19 Guidelines

We have frequently been asked what an employer is supposed to do if a staff member does not follow COVID-19 guidelines. We now have an arbitral decision in which summary dismissal was found to be appropriate after a screening officer at Pearson International Airport in Toronto was found to have lied about the fact that she attended at work while awaiting the results of her COVID-19 test.

Read more here.

December 2, 2020: Federal Government Announces Updates to The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy

The CEWS has gone through many evolutions since it was first announced on March 27, 2020. On November 30, 2020, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance released the Fall Economic Statement 2020 which introduces further changes to this crucial support program.

Read more here.

November 26, 2020: Ontario Workplace Education and Enforcement Campaign

Over the coming days, the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development will be performing community safety campaigns to educate businesses and workers on public health measures. These campaigns are being developed in consultation with local public health units, police and by-law departments, and support Ontario’s COVID-19 Response Framework: Keeping Ontario Safe and Open.

Read more here.

November 23, 2020: CRA warns 213,000 Canadians that they might have to pay back CERB overpayments

The Canada Revenue Agency says it’s warning about 213,000 Canadians who may have been paid twice through the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) program that they could be called upon to repay the money.

But repayment isn’t required right away, says the agency. The CRA has suspended collection of debts for the duration of the pandemic emergency.

Read more here.

November 19, 2020: Ontario Launches Workplace Education and Enforcement Campaigns

The Ontario government is launching a series of education and enforcement campaigns to ensure businesses across the province are taking the necessary steps to keep employees, consumers and the public safe. These campaigns will support the current efforts of police, municipal by-law officers, and public health inspectors to educate businesses and enforce the COVID-19 health and safety requirements. Officers will be asking employers to produce their workplace safety plans.

Read more here.

November 13, 2020: CRA extends work-from-home reimbursement to cover office equipment, not just computers

At the Canadian Tax Foundation’s annual conference held in late October, the Canada Revenue Agency provided a bit of good news when responding to a couple of questions posed to them during their annual roundtable session. The first dealt with the reimbursement of computer and office equipment by employers and the second concerned refinancing a prescribed-rate loan. Let’s take a look at what the CRA said about each issue.

Read more here.

November 4, 2020: Ontario unveils new system for COVID-19 shutdowns.

Ontario has announced major changes to how it will impose COVID-19 shutdowns, introducing a new tiered system for when to impose lockdowns and closures.

Under the new framework released on Tuesday, which has not been implemented yet, each of Ontario’s 34 public health units will be placed in one of five categories based off their current COVID-19 trends.

Read more here.

October 22, 2020: Bill 218, Supporting Ontario’s Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020

The Honourable Doug Downey has introduced legislation that will protect people from liability resulting from individuals being or potentially being infected with or exposed to COVID-19. Bill 218 prohibits any proceeding from being brought against a person resulting from an individual being or potentially being infected with or exposed to COVID-19 where, at the relevant time, the person acted or made a good faith effort to act in accordance with public health guidance and federal, provincial or municipal laws related to COVID-19. If this Bill is passed, it will be retroactive to March 17, 2020.

Read more here.

October 21, 2020: Critics say Ford’s new long-term care legislation makes it harder to sue the facilities

Premier Doug Ford’s new legislation that aims to provide liability protection for workers and organizations that follow COVID-19 health guidelines, is facing backlash.

On Tuesday, the Ontario government introduced the Supporting Ontario’s Recovery Act, 2020, that if passed, will provide liability protection for workers, volunteers and organizations that “make an honest effort to follow public health guidelines and laws relating to exposure to COVID-19.”

At the same time, the government will also allow people to take legal action against those who willfully, or with gross negligence, endanger others.

The legislation is facing backlash from the NDP and Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) for protecting long-term care homes, making it “significantly easier” for a home to defend itself, because now gross negligence must be proven, which is harder to convict.

Read more here.

October 9, 2020: Government announces new, targeted support to help businesses through pandemic

On October 9, 2020, the Federal government announced a number of changes to existing support programs designed to help businesses navigate the economic challenges of COVID-19. Notably, the government announced its intention to extend the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) until June, 2021 and maintain the current subsidy rate of up to a maximum of 65 percent of eligible wages until December 19, 2020, rather than the gradual phase out of the program that had been initially planned. In addition, the government announced an expansion of the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA), which would enable businesses and not-for-profits eligible for CEBA loans to access an interest-free loan of up to an additional $20,000, in addition to the original CEBA loan of $40,000.

The government also announced its intention to establish a new program, the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy, which would provide rent and mortgage support of up to 65% of eligible expenses to businesses, charities and non-profits that have suffered a revenue drop. There will also be an additional 25% top up available for organizations who were required to temporarily shut down as a result of a mandatory public health order.

Read more here.

October 6, 2020: Ontario Implements Mandatory Screening Requirements in Workplaces

As of September 26, 2020, all businesses and organizations in Ontario are required to screen workers and essential visitors for COVID-19 before allowing them entry into their premises. The screening requirements apply to employees, students, contractors, volunteers, delivery and maintenance personnel and contract workers, but does not include patrons. The Ontario Ministry of Health has released a COVID-19 Screening Tool to help businesses fulfill this requirement, which consists of three questions designed to assess an individual’s risk to COVID-19 exposure.

Read more here.

September 23, 2020: Federal wage subsidy extended into summer 2021: throne speech

In the throne speech, Prime Minister Trudeau announced that the government is extending the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) into next summer. This is welcome news for many businesses that are struggling to survive the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The CEWS helped people keep their jobs, or be rehired if they had been laid off,” said Gov. Gen. Julie Payette, who read the speech on behalf of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“But there is still more to be done. Unemployment is in the double digits, and underemployment is high. One way the government will create these jobs is by extending the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy right through to next summer.”

The throne speech did not mention if the program’s rules would change, but Payette said the government will work with businesses and labour to ensure the program “meets the needs of the health and economic situation as it evolves.”

The CEWS was supposed to wind down gradually in late fall, even though many business and industry associations have been urging the government to extend the support, particularly for businesses at greatest risk of closing permanently.

We note that in our experience, the CEWS has helped many businesses to keep employees on payroll and either fully or partially employed, rather than temporarily lay them off or terminate their employment.

Read more here.

September 14, 2020: Further Amendments to the Employment Standards Act – Timer Still Paused on Layoffs

On September 3, 2020, the Ontario government announced that it was extending the protections it introduced in June through Ontario Regulation 228/20 until January 2, 2021. This is great news for businesses, many of whom were scrambling to recall their employees to work or make other arrangements before September 4, 2020, when the original “COVID-19 Period” was set to expire.

Read more here.

Section September 3, 2020: Ontario Extends Support for Employers and Employees Impacted by COVID-19

The Ontario government announced further protection for jobs and businesses. The temporary layoff rules under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 will be inapplicable until January 2, 2021. Prior to this announcement, they were set to resume on September 4, 2020.

This means that for the purpose of the statute, temporary layoffs will be prevented from automatically becoming terminations. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide further updates.

Read more here.

August 31, 2020: Government announces greater flexibility and extension of Canada Emergency Business Account

Small businesses are the backbone of our economy but they continue to face economic challenges and uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, is today announcing that the application deadline for the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) is extended from August 31 to October 31, 2020.

Read more here.

August 25, 2020: Return-to-work issues

In pre-COVID days, employees did not have the option of simply choosing not to attend at work on a given day, and that is no different now when they are being directed to return to the workplace after a period of layoff/leave or working from home. They can’t simply decide that they “prefer” to defer their return.

So what should employers do when an employee indicates their reluctance or refusal to come back to work?

Read more here.

August 21, 2020: CERB extension and new benefits announced for when CERB ends

The Government of Canada has announced a four week extension of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and has also expanded on plans to help those currently receiving the CERB when that plan ends, including expansion of eligibility for Employment Insurance as well as three new benefit programs.

Read more here.

August 14, 2020: What’s New with the CEWS?

The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (“CEWS”) has been extended until December 19, 2020. Over the next few months, the subsidy will also be available to a broader group of employers and benefits will be provided on a sliding scale based on the degree of lost revenue. The subsidy will decrease over time as the Government attempts to “wean” businesses off of the program.

The Department of Finance has released a backgrounder, detailing the various new changes made to the CEWS. Due to the complexity of these changes, we have summarized some of the key takeaways from the updates.

Read more here.

August 10, 2020: BC employers must apply to extend COVID-19 layoffs beyond August 30th

On June 25th, the BC government announced that it would extend the time period for temporary layoffs connected to COVID-19 to a maximum of 24 weeks in a 28 week period, ending on or before August 30, 2020.

As the pandemic is still affecting the full functioning of business, many employers in BC might need more time before they are ready to recall their employees. If an employer expects that a temporary layoff will surpass 24 weeks or August 30, they need to apply to the Employment Standards Branch (“ESB”) to further extend the layoff. Failure to submit an application will result in the permanency of the temporary layoff and the termination of inactive employees.

Read more here.

July 31, 2020: Trudeau announces plans for end of CERB, transition to EI

The federal government plans to transition recipients of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) to the Employment Insurance (EI) program as the $80-billion coronavirus aid program wraps up this fall, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Friday.

Ottawa will also create a “transitional, parallel benefit” that is similar to EI for people who don’t qualify for the unemployment benefit, such as contract and gig workers.

Read more here.

July 30, 2020: In Ontario, Infectious Disease Emergency Leave Ends on September 4, 2020

Remember when the Ontario government made a new regulation deeming temporarily laid off employees to be on a job-protected Infectious Disease Emergency Leave? This regulation temporarily amended the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA).

According to the regulation, the temporary rules would expire six weeks after the lifting of the declaration of emergency.  Since the Ontario government revoked its declaration of emergency order on July 24th, these temporary rules will expire on September 4th. 

Read more here.

July 29, 2020: Provincial status on COVID-19 (Ontario)

As most of Ontario has moved into stage 3 of reopening, Ontario has transitioned into the recovery phase with the new Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act. While the provincial declaration of emergency has ended, the new act will provide the province with the necessary flexibility to address the ongoing risks and effects of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Some emergency orders that were previously in place under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, will continue under the new act. This includes orders related to labour redeployment in long-term care and retirement homes, stages of reopening, compliance with public health advice and gatherings.

Read more here.

July 22, 2020: Ministry reminder about COVID-19 exposure on the job

If a worker has contracted COVID-19 from an exposure at work or a related claim has been filed with the WSIB, employers are required to notify the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development. Notice should be addressed to “Attention: Director” and emailed to, or mailed or faxed to the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development regional office closest to the workplace. Notice should also be given to the workplace joint health and safety committee, health and safety representative and trade union, if applicable.

July 22, 2020: Virtual Home Office Ergonomic Assessments

OHCOW provides many tools and resources around Ergonomics & Workstation set-up, including when working from home. Plus, we are now also offering a Virtual Home Office Ergonomic Assessment service. It is available to anyone in Ontario who is currently working from home, and is concerned about their workstation set-up, or suffering from a Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) (or recent chronic pain).

Learn more here.

July 22, 2020: Temporary Foreign Agricultural Workers and COVID 19 Safety Guidance & Resources

COVID19 introduces serious and complex health and safety challenges for the arrival, isolation and work of temporary foreign workers in Ontario agriculture, particularly re: healthcare capacity, public and occupational health, and workplace communication and coordination for this disconnected population, made more vulnerable by high-density housing.

Learn more here.

July 22, 2020: OHS Certificate of Recognition

The Certificate of Recognition (COR™) is a national accreditation standard that verifies full implementation of an employer’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System. COR™ is often used as a condition of contract by the public and private sector across Canada.

Recently, COR™ was enhanced to COR™ 2020 in order to help interested workplaces qualify for financial rewards and recognition from the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.

Learn more here.

July 22, 2020: WSIB Health and Safety Excellence program: Pandemic readiness

The program connects businesses of all sizes with WSIB-approved providers to help you develop a program that is suitable for your business.

Learn more here.

July 22, 2020: Supporting Ontario’s Safe Employers Program

Supporting Ontario’s Safe Employers is a voluntary Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development program run by the Chief Prevention Officer (CPO). It promotes health and safety in the workplace and helps reduce injuries and illness.

Learn more here.

July 17, 2020: Liberals revise COVID-19 wage subsidy, ease eligibility in bid to boost takeup

Finance Minister Bill Morneau says the Liberals are easing eligibility rules for the government’s emergency wage subsidy and changing the amounts businesses can receive.

The government had been under pressure to make the subsidy more accessible, specifically by loosening the requirement of a 30 per cent drop in revenues, so more companies under that cut-off can qualify.

Learn more here.

July 13, 2020: Nearly all businesses can reopen in Ontario on Friday, Toronto area excluded

Nearly all businesses, including gyms, movie theatres and indoor dining, can reopen on Friday in parts of Ontario, except for the Toronto-area and a few other regions, as the province enters Stage 3 through a regional approach.

Learn more here.

July 13, 2020: Federal wage subsidy for businesses to be extended to December

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said today the federal government is extending the emergency wage subsidy program to December of this year.

The program covers 75 per cent of wages, up to a weekly maximum of $847, for workers at eligible companies and non-profits affected by the economic slowdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn more here.

July 8, 2020: CERB Is Coming To An End As Feds Focus On Wage Subsidy

Finance Minister Bill Morneau announced Wednesday that the government is looking to move to an economic recovery phase and will shift its focus from individuals to helping businesses. One way of doing that, he said, is by removing “disincentives” that may dissuade people from returning to work.

Learn more here.

July 7, 2020: Ford government bill would allow extension of emergency measures for up to a year

The proposed law would allow the government to extend or amend some emergency orders a month at a time, with the law expiring a year after it’s passed.

Under current legislation, the province can only issue emergency orders while the state of emergency is in place.

Ontario’s state of emergency is set to expire July 15 and Premier Doug Ford has said he hoped not to extend it again.

Learn more here.

July 3, 2020: Ontario Launches Online Training to Promote Safe Workplaces

As the province safely and gradually reopens, the Ontario government is investing $3 million to provide free online health and safety training for the first time. These virtual courses will make it easier for job seekers and workers to get essential qualifications, while practising physical distancing and preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Learn more here.

June 30, 2020: Ontario Courts Gradually Resuming In-Person Proceedings

Ontario courts will begin resuming in-person proceedings across the province on Monday, July 6, 2020. The gradual reopening of courtrooms will include strict health and safety protocols to protect staff and everyone required to attend a courthouse from COVID-19.

Learn more here.

June 25, 2020: B.C. extends layoff provisions to Aug. 30

The B.C. government says it is extending temporary layoff provisions until the end of August, giving employers and workers more flexibility to support economic recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn more here.

June 25, 2020: will “severance pay” qualify as “eligible remuneration” for purposes of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (the “CEWS”)?

It is a question we have received consistently from employers.

Learn more here.

June 24, 2020: Labour minister stands ground as B.C. business leaders demand temporary layoff extension

Provincial Minister of Labour Harry Bains says there will be no ministerial order – at least “not right now” – to extend the temporary layoff time limits beyond 16 weeks as there are already provisions under the Employment Standards for employers and workers to apply for extensions beyond that time.

Read more here.

June 23, 2020: Time limit for temporary layoffs extended.

The federal government has extended the time period for temporary layoffs by up to six months, giving employers more time to recall employees who were laid off due to COVID-19.

Read more here.

June 22, 2020: Plan to reduce statutory holidays has been scrapped.

Premier Doug Ford’s government has shot down a policy proposal that would have cut down the number of statutory holidays available to retail employees from nine to three.

Read more here.

June 19, 2020: Reduced Statutory Holidays for Frontline Retail Workers?

Sources say that the Ontario government is planning to reduce statutory holidays for front line retail workers.

Read more here.

June 19, 2020: Beware of claims for constructive dismissal after temporary layoffs

Employment standards legislation establishes how temporary layoffs are to be implemented, but it does not give employers the right to do so. That right must be founded in contract. A simple clause can achieve this goal, but it must be properly implemented.

Read more here.

June 18, 2020: Ontario plans to extend State of Emergency until mid July

The Ontario government tabled a motion Wednesday night to extend Ontario’s state of emergency until the middle of July.

Read more here.

June 16, 2020: Ontario Releases Guide on How to Develop a Workplace Safety Plan

The Ontario government is providing employers with a new general workplace guide, which will help them develop a safety plan to better protect workers, customers and clients. The new downloadable toolkit offers tips on how to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 as more people get back on the job during Stage 2 of the reopening of the province.

Read more here.

June 16, 2020: CERB program extended until start of September

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his government’s signature benefit for people whose jobs have vanished amid the COVID-19 pandemic will be extended by eight weeks.

The Canada Emergency Response Benefit pays up to $500 a week and was slated to last 16 weeks starting in April, meaning that people who signed up for it immediately would soon run out.

Read more here.

June 15, 2020: Trudeau promises to extend the emergency relief benefit

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced today that the federal government will extend the Canada emergency response benefit (CERB), with details to follow in the days ahead.

The CERB is due to run out soon for people who have been on the benefit since it was first launched in April, at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read more here.

June 15, 2020: Toronto still excluded from Stage 2, most regions allowed

Ontario is allowing almost all regions to move forward to the next stage of the province’s restart phase on Friday, which allows restaurants, hair salons and malls to reopen, but Toronto is still excluded from the list.

Read more here.

June 15, 2020: Can an employee sue for catching the virus at work?

HRD spoke to Stuart to debunk some common misconceptions around COVID-19 and employer obligations.

Read more here.

June 10, 2020: Threatening jail time for CERB fraud could scare off legitimate claims, experts say

New legislation threatening fines and jail time for Canadians who fraudulently claim the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) could scare off legitimate claims, say legal and labour experts – and it’s unlikely that anyone will actually end up in prison.

Read more here.

June 8, 2020: Ontario Permits More Businesses and Services to Reopen in the Coming Days

The Ontario government announced that it is getting more people back to work and more recreational activities open by moving forward with a regional approach to Stage 2 of reopening the province.

Read more here.

June 8, 2020: Ontario doubling limit on gatherings, more businesses to reopen in next phase of COVID-19 recovery plan

Regional reopening will see most areas move into next phase on Friday. Ontarians will soon be allowed to gather in groups up to 10 and many more businesses and services will be allowed to begin operating again as part of the next phase of the province’s regional reopening, set to begin in some areas later this week.

Read more here.

June 6, 2020: Ontario Extends Emergency Orders to Support Its Reopening Efforts

Province Extends the Suspension of Limitation Periods and Time Periods for Legal Proceedings until September

Read more here.

June 1, 2020: What are your rights as you return to work in the middle of a pandemic?

It’s important that you know your legal rights as an employee in this new world of work. Stuart answered some questions for the Toronto Star.

Read more here.

June 1, 2020: Good news for Employers – Ontario Introduces Regulation 228/20

On Friday afternoon, the Ontario government introduced a new Regulation that has the potential to dramatically affect the legal landscape with respect to non-unionized workers that have had their hours reduced or been temporarily laid off.

Read more here.

May 29, 2020: The Next Phase – Getting Back to Business FAQ

After months of discussing layoffs and pay cuts, the discussion is shifting to getting back to business, if not quite back to normal. There is more time to plan this phase, and we are hopeful that organizations will make more informed decisions as they bring their workers back. We have been inundated with questions about how to recall employees, obligations regarding safety in the workplace, whether workers have to return to work if they prefer to remain off work or to work remotely, and many other issues.

We put together a document of FAQs about getting back to work.

Download Now

May 28, 2020: Ministry of Labour inspections

As of today, Ministry inspectors have completed inspections and investigations for 8,491 workplaces and issued 4,336 orders, which includes 20 stop work orders, related to COVID-19.

May 25, 2020: Feds to push for 10 days of paid sick leave for workers

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says that as Canada enters the “recovery phase” of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government will be moving forward on talks with the provinces and territories on ensuring that every worker in Canada who needs it can access 10 days of paid sick leave a year.

Read more here.

May 20, 2020: Bill 191, Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act (Presumption Respecting COVID-19)

The Bill amends the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. New section 15.0.1 of the Act applies with respect to workers who work for a business that has been listed as an essential business in an order made under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. If a worker for an essential business receives a positive test for the disease known as COVID-19, the disease is presumed to be an occupational disease that occurs due to the nature of the worker’s work, unless the contrary is shown. The presumption applies to a positive test received on or after January 25, 2020. Transitional matters are provided for.
Read more here.

May 15, 2020: Wage subsidy program to be extended past June

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the government’s wage subsidy program for employers will be extended past June.

The move, he said, would help “kickstart” Canada’s economic re-opening and boost jobs.

Read more here.

May 14, 2020: Edmonton businesses get back to work as Stage 1 of Alberta’s relaunch kicks off

Edmonton retail stores, restaurants and salons are allowed to open up again, in the first phase of the province’s relaunch plan. Daycares, art galleries, museums, summer camps and farmers market can also reopen.

Read more here.

May 14, 2020: Ontario’s reopening plan – phase 1

Starting May 19, retail stores outside of shopping malls with street entrances can begin reopening with physical distancing measures. Outdoor recreational activities and many individual sport competitions will also get the green light starting Tuesday. Read more about phase one of Ontario’s opening plan here.

May 12, 2020: Federal workers ordered to ignore cheating in CERB and EI claims

A memo told employees not to halt payment or trigger investigations when they see signs of abuse, noting the department’s integrity branch has been suspended.

Read more here.

May 11, 2020: More Restrictions Being Lifted

Every Province is moving ahead at a different pace, with Quebec perplexingly being the first to reopen elementary schools and daycares despite accounting for more than half of the country’s coronavirus cases, but everyone is focused on getting the economy up and running again.

For more details on the plans, click here.

May 11, 2020: More help for large employers

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a multimillion-dollar loan program aimed at large employers impacted by COVID-19 and the economic downturn it’s prompted.“These are bridge loans, not bailouts,” said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during his address to Canadians from Rideau Cottage on Monday.

Called the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF), the plan will allow big companies to access additional liquidity to keep their operations going, retain workers on payroll, and avoid bankruptcy, though the financing comes with a series of terms and conditions.

Read more here.

May 8, 2020: Wage subsidy program to be extended, Trudeau promises.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the federal government’s emergency wage-subsidy program will be extended beyond its early-June endpoint.

Read more here.

May 8, 2020: Assistance programs eligibility tool

Government assistance can be difficult to access in the best of times, and the COVID-19 has resulted in a dizzying array of announcements, programs, and updates. Some programs overlap, and all have different eligibility criteria.

Read more here.<

May 7, 2020: Trudeau announces wage top-up for essential workers

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the federal government has reached a deal with all provinces for a wage top-up for essential workers.
Read more here.

May 6, 2020: Ontario announces new list of businesses that can reopen

Ontario has announced a list of more businesses than can open across the province with strict guidelines in place.

Premier Doug Ford said Wednesday garden centres and nurseries will be allowed to reopen as of Friday at 12:01 a.m. On Saturday, hardware stores and safety supply stores will also be allowed to reopen.

On May 11, retail stores with a street entrance will be allowed to reopen for curbside pickup.

Read more here.

May 6, 2020: How employers are planning for a post-COVID-19 world

Stuart appeared on CTV’s Your Morning to talk about what businesses should know before reopening.Watch here.

May 4, 2020: B.C. government extends temporary layoff period to 16 weeks

The B.C. government is extending the maximum allowable length of temporary layoffs in the province from 13 weeks to 16 weeks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The B.C. Ministry of Labour announced the change Monday in an effort to keep employees connected with their jobs during the novel coronavirus outbreak.

Read more here.

May 1, 2020: Rudner Law video update – Canada Emergency Response Benefit review.

Brittany Taylor gives a summary of the CERB program, how it works, and what your entitlements may be under this program.
Watch here.

May 1, 2020: Ontario to allow select businesses to reopen on Monday

The Ontario government has announced they will be allowing some businesses to reopen their doors on Monday under strict guidelines.

The businesses include garden centres for curbside pick-up and delivery only, lawn care and landscaping, more construction projects deemed essential, car washes, and auto dealers by appointment only.

Golf courses and marinas will be allowed to begin prepping for their seasons, but will not be permitted to open to the public.

If these businesses follow the proper health and safety workplace guidelines which were released yesterday, they will be allowed to open as of midnight on May 4.

For more information, click here.

May 1, 2020: Rudner Law video update – Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy review.

Brittany Taylor reviews the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and provides a brief summary of this very complicated program to try to assist employers to understand what their entitlements may be.

Watch here.

May 1, 2020: Doug Ford says businesses should ‘get ready’ as Ontario releases new safety guidelines

Ontario Premier Doug Ford says the province is on the path to reopening the economy, as his government released 65 safety guidelines for businesses, including office spaces, restaurants and the auto industry.

Read more here.

April 26, 2020: CRA released guide for Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy applications

Businesses can apply for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy as of tomorrow, and the CRA has released a guide to help you through the process which you can find here.

April 29, 2020: Where each province and territory stands with reopening

There are signs that Canada is starting to flatten its curve in the battle against COVID-19, with modeling data suggesting that some provinces have already passed the peak, prompting leaders in those areas to talk about loosening movement restrictions.

Read more here.

April 26, 2020: CRA released guide for Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy applications

Businesses can apply for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy as of tomorrow, and the CRA has released a guide to help you through the process which you can find here.

April 25, 2020: Ontario increases pay for pandemic frontline workers

Doug Ford has just announced a pay raise that should affect about 350,000 workers dealing with the pandemic.

Provincial workers will be earning $4 more per hour for the next 16 weeks, and full-time workers will receive a $250 lump sum each month.

That means those putting in an average 40-hour work week should receive about $3,560 more over the course of those 16 weeks.

For more information, click here.

April 24, 2020: Deal reached to lower rent by 75 per cent for small businesses

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that an agreement has been reached with all provinces and territories to implement the promised rent assistance program for businesses. It will lower rent by 75 per cent for small businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19.

For more information, click here.

April 22, 2020: New benefit to help students, recent graduates without summer jobs due to COVID-19

The federal government revealed a $9-billion package of emergency measures for post-secondary students Wednesday, including expanded summer job grants, up to $5,000 for community volunteers and a new $1,250-a-month benefit for students who can’t find work.

For more information, click here.

April 22, 2020: Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy: More information and a handy Calculator

The federal government has confirmed that employers will apply for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) through My Business Account on the Canada Revenue Agency website. The application process will open on April 27 and funds are expected to begin flowing on May 5.

In order to better understand your entitlement, employers can use the new CEWS Calculator, which can be found on the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy page of the CRA website, which also provides information about the program.

April 21, 2020: Ontario government cautiously begins work on plan to reopen for business

Ontario Premier Doug Ford has said that his government is working on a framework to guide the “gradual, measured and safe” reopening of the economy after health officials released data saying community-spread cases of COVID-19 appear to have peaked.

Speaking at Queen’s Park alongside Health Minister Christine Elliott and Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. David Williams, Ford said that while he is working on a plan, he doesn’t want to provide a date for when it will be implemented.

For more information, click here.

April 21, 2020: Applications for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy will open April 27, 2020

Prime Minister Trudeau announced this morning that applications for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy will open next Monday, April 27, 2020. Employers will be able to apply through their Canada Revenue Agency My Business Account, or through an online portal which will be available on April 27.

The CRA has developed a calculator for employers to assist them to estimate the amount of the subsidy that can be claimed once applications for the CEWS are open. This calculator is available now on the Government of Canada’s website.

April 21, 2020: More help coming for marginalized and Canadian businesses

In his briefing today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is expected to announce additional measures for marginalized and more severely impacted communities such as seniors, homeless, impoverished and disabled Canadians. 

Read more here.

April 16, 2020: More measures to help Canadian businesses

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced more measures to help Canadian businesses get through the COVID-19 crisis, including expanded loan eligibility and assistance with commercial rent.

The previously announced loan program, which offers businesses up to $40,000 in a government-backed loan, will now be available to businesses with payrolls worth between $20,000 and $1.5 million. Previously, the interest-free loan was for those with payrolls worth between $50,000 and one million.

Trudeau also announced a plan to help small businesses pay commercial rents for April, May and June. He said that plan will be worked out with the premiers, as rent issues fall under provincial jurisdiction.

Read more here.

April 15, 2020: CERB availability expanded

Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced an expansion of the eligibility criteria for CERB as well as support for essential workers who make less than or similar to what they would receive from the CERB.

To help more Canadians benefit from the CERB, the government will be changing the eligibility rules to:

  • Allow people to earn up to $1,000 per month while collecting the CERB.
  • Extend the CERB to seasonal workers who have exhausted their EI regular benefits and are unable to undertake their usual seasonal work as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • Extend the CERB to workers who recently exhausted their EI regular benefits and are unable to find a job or return to work because of COVID-19.

In addition, recognizing that certain essential workers’ salaries are often less than or similar to what they would receive from the CERB, the government will work with provinces and territories through a new transfer to cost-share a temporary top-up to the salaries of workers deemed essential in the fight against COVID-19, who make less than $2,500 a month.

Details as to the application and delivery of this measure will be released shortly following further work with provinces and territories.

Read more here.

April 13, 2020: Bill C-14 Receives Royal Assent – Update on the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy

On April 11, 2020, Bill C-14 (also known as the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act, No.2), which formalizes the terms of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy program (the “CEWS”), received Royal Assent and became law. This has provided us with specific details of the CEWS, including clarifying some key questions that up until now remained unanswered.

Read more here.

April 13, 2020: Keeping Canadians paid during the COVID-19 pandemic – CityNews

Parliament reconvened Saturday to pass the government’s wage subsidy bill. Caryn Ceolin reports, with an appearance by Stuart, on what it’ll mean for you if you’ve lost your paycheque, and when you could see money flowing if you’re a business.

Watch here.

April 9, 2020: COVID-19 webinar presented by

Watch here.

April 9, 2020: More changes to the Emergency Wage Subsidy including Payroll Contribution Refunds

The federal government announced more tweaks to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy and a significant addition: 100 per cent refunds for certain employer-paid contributions to Employment Insurance, the Canada Pension Plan, the Quebec Pension Plan, and the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan.

As they explain on the web page for the Plan,this refund would cover 100 per cent of employer-paid contributions for eligible employees for each week throughout which those employees are on leave with pay and for which the employer is eligible to claim for the CEWS for those employees. In general, an employee will be considered to be on leave with pay throughout a week if that employee is remunerated by the employer for that week but does not perform any work for the employer in that week. This refund would not be available for eligible employees that are on leave with pay for only a portion of a week. This refund would not be subject to the weekly maximum benefit per employee of $847 that an eligible employer may claim in respect of the CEWS. There would be no overall limit on the refund amount that an eligible employer may claim. For greater certainty, employers would be required to continue to collect and remit employer and employee contributions to each program as usual. Eligible employers would apply for a refund, as described above, at the same time that they apply for the CEWS.

As we previously advised, the government is adjusting how the required drop in revenue will be assessed:

Eligible Periods Eligibility would generally be determined by the change in an eligible employer’s monthly revenues, year-over-year, for the calendar month in which the period began. Today, the government is announcing that all employers would be allowed to calculate their change in revenue using an alternative benchmark to determine their eligibility. This would provide more flexibility to employers for which the general approach may not be appropriate, including high-growth firms, sectors that faced difficulties in 2019, non-profits and charities, as well as employers established after February 2019. Under this alternative approach, employers would be allowed to compare their revenue using an average of their revenue earned in January and February 2020. Employers would select the general year-over-year approach or this alternative approach when first applying for the CEWS and would be required to use the same approach for the entire duration of the program.

The government has also addressed employee eligibility:

Eligibility for the CEWS of an employee’s remuneration, will be limited to employees that have not been without remuneration for more than 14 consecutive days in the eligibility period, i.e., from March 15 to April 11, from April 12 to May 9, and from May 10 to June 6.

This rule replaces the previously announced restriction that an employer would not be eligible to claim the CEWS for remuneration paid to an employee in a week that falls within a 4-week period for which the employee is eligible for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit.

Lastly, the changes address compliance.

Employers that engage in artificial transactions to reduce revenue for the purpose of claiming the CEWS would be subject to a penalty equal to 25 per cent of the value of the subsidy claimed, in addition to the requirement to repay in full the subsidy that was improperly claimed.

The government also stated that anti-abuse rules would be put in place, but the details have not been announced yet.

For more information, click here.

April 9, 2020: Ontario adding more Health & Safety Inspectors

The government of Ontario announced efforts to ensure essential workplaces are safe during the COVID-19 pandemic by:

  1. Redeploying more than 30 employment standards officers to help businesses understand and comply with health and safety requirements;
  2. Working with health and safety associations to deploy up to 30 specialists to support employers and workers in the field;
  3. Issuing health and safety guidance notes to support specific sectors;
  4. Doubling the capacity of Ontario’s Health and Safety Call Centre from 25 to 50 phonelines;
  5. Providing job-protected leave under the Employment Standards Act for workers who need to self-isolate or care for a loved one because of COVID-19;
  6. Issuing a call to recently-retired inspectors who may be able and willing to return to their positions;
  7. Providing compliance assistance and enforcing the emergency orders issued under the Emergency Measures and Civil Protection Act.

Workers who feel unsafe at work can call  1-877-202-0008.

For more information, click here.

April 8, 2020: Proposed changes to CERB might help more people

As we have reported previously, the Canada Emergency Response Benefit is intended to help those who do not qualify for Employment Insurance benefits, such as those who are self-employed or employees that do not have enough insurable hours. However, one of the strongest criticisms has been that in order to qualify, applicants must not have any income during the relevant time period.

The proposed revisions would mean that it will be available to those with drastically reduced earnings; speculation is that it will apply to people working 10 hours or less in a week or earning less than $500 in a month.

For more information, click here.

April 8, 2020: Ottawa wants to loosen rules for the COVID-19 wage subsidy allowing more people to benefit

Businesses still need to attest to the sharper 30 per cent drop in revenue to get the subsidy in April and May, compared with the same months one year earlier, the draft bill says.

The draft also includes new flexibility by allowing certain businesses to use January and February as the reference point for their falling revenue.

Read More


April 7, 2020: COVID-19 Pandemic – Frequently Asked Employment Law Questions – UPDATED

A broad look at the implications of COVID-19 for employers and employees by providing answers to some of the questions we have received from our clients over the past few weeks.

Updated April 6, 2020.

Read Post


April 6, 2020: Wage Subsidies & Work Sharing

There is a plethora of government initiatives to help businesses and their workforce in these unprecedented times. Nadia and Stuart review two of the most popular in this Canadian HR Law blog post

For more information, click here.

April 3, 2020: Ontario releases updated list of essential workplaces

By 11:59 p.m. Saturday, April 4, 2020, businesses that are not identified on this list must close their physical locations.

For more information, click here.

April 3, 2020: Ontario Human Rights Commission Releases COVID-19 Policy Statement

The Ontario Human Rights Commission has released its Policy statement on a human rights-based approach to managing the COVID-19 pandemic.

In their introduction, they explain that

This policy statement provides guidance to all levels of government on the principles that underlie a human rights-based approach to managing the COVID-19 pandemic. It offers high-level guidance that applies across a range of potential policy, legal, regulatory, public health and emergency-related responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Principles they set out include:

  1. Approach preventing and treating COVID-19 as a human rights obligation
  2. Respect the rights of First Nations, Métis and Inuit (Indigenous) peoples
  3. Set strict limits on measures that infringe rights
  4. Protect vulnerable groups
  5. Respond to racism, ageism, ableism and other forms of discrimination
  6. Strengthen human rights accountability and oversight

For more information, click here.

April 2, 2020: Unsure how the CERB works and interacts with Employment Insurance?

The Federal government has provided more information on the Canada Emergency Response Benefit and, in particular, details about how it interacts with Employment Insurance. We know this has been a source of much confusion.

For more information, click here.

April 2, 2020: Timeline for employers submitting Work-Sharing documentation

Employers are now requested to submit their applications 10 calendar days prior to the requested start date.

Prior to COVID-19, employers were requested to send their Work-Sharing application (and supporting documentation) 30 calendar days prior to their requested start date.

The streamlined measures undertaken by Service Canada will aim to reduce the processing time to 10 calendar days.

For more information, click here.

April 1, 2020: The website for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit is now open

The website for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit is now open

Applications can be made starting on April 6, 2020. To try to control the volume of applicants, the government has asked people to stagger their applications:

  • April 6th for those born in January, February or March
  • April 7th for those born in April, May or June<

  • April 8th for those born in July, August or September

  • April 9th for those born in October, November of December

The Prime Minister stated that employers are still expected to pay their employees wages above the CERB. This is where the CEWS comes into play.

For more information, click here.

April 1, 2020: Details of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Revealed

Finally, some more detail about the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. As we have been saying, this provides much-needed relief and may prevent or reverse many layoffs.

Some highlights from what we understand so far:

  • It will apply from March 15 to June 9, 2020
  • The wage subsidy is 75% of Gross “Regular” Wages to a maximum of $847\week or $58,700 annually
  • Sales must have decreased by at least 30% on a monthly basis when compared with the same month in the prior year (ie. March 2020 sales have to be 30% less than March 2019)
  • Funds will be available to be paid to the employer in approximately six weeks from today’s date (around the middle of May 2020)
  • There have also been indications that the company must show that they are doing everything they can to pay the remaining 25%, but how this would be applied remains unclear.

For more information, click here.

March 31, 2020: Details of Wage Subsidy Delayed

Everyone is anxiously awaiting details of the wage subsidy program, but unfortunately it looks like we have to wait another day.

For more information, click here.

March 31, 2020: A COVID-19 Update from Rudner Law: Layoffs and Wage Cuts

At the end of the day, we know that everyone’s health is the number one priority, but we also want to make sure that people do not compromise their legal rights. We know that many of our clients are struggling. Whatever decisions they make, we want them to be informed decisions.

Read more here.

March 31, 2020: Who can I call for information or to ask a question about financial support from government right now?

Compiled by Jennifer Robson, Associate Professor of Political Management, Carleton University using public information.

Access here.

March 31, 2020: Law Society of Ontario, List of COVID-19 Notices/Resources

We thank the Law Society of Ontario for their extensive list of resources, and for including two of Rudner Law’s documents.

Access their list here.

March 30, 2020: Manitoba extends temporary layoffs because of COVID-19

Under the revised rule, a layoff occurring after March 1, 2020 will not be counted toward the period after which a temporary layoff would become a permanent termination. Normally, the province’s employment standards state that employees who have been laid off for eight or more weeks in a 16-week period are considered terminated and entitled to wages in lieu of notice.<

Please remember that this does not give employers the right to lay employees off; it merely amends the parameters if a layoff is otherwise permitted.

March 30, 2020: Great news! Large and small business, non-profits, charities eligible for wage subsidy

A promised federal wage subsidy to cover three-quarters of salaries will go to any company — large, medium or small — charity or non-profit that can show it has seen revenues drop sharply due to COVID-19.

This is great news for employers and employees, as it should allow many layoffs to be avoided.

Learn more here.

March 28, 2020: A little more information about the Temporary Wage Subsidy

Yesterday, the federal government announced that it was increasing the Temporary Wage Subsidy from 10% to 75%. We are still waiting for all of the details, but here is a helpful summary of what we know so far.

March 27, 2020: Trudeau promises 75% wage subsidy for businesses hit by coronavirus

“It’s becoming clear that we need to do more – much more – so we’re bringing that percentage up to 75 per cent for qualifying businesses,” he said. “This means people will continue to be paid even though their employers have to slow down or stop their businesses.”

This should help businesses avoid potential layoffs and constructive dismissal claims.

For more information, click here.

March 26, 2020: Ontario to defer WSIB premium reporting and payments

The Ontario government announced today that all employers covered by WSIB will be able to defer premium reporting and payments until Aug. 31 2020, and no interest will accrue on outstanding premiums during this period.

For more information, click here.

March 26, 2020: Fact sheet for employers and employees

This post addresses some of the main questions and concerns you may have as an employer or employee in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information, click here.

March 26, 2020: Bill C-13 – Canada Emergency Response Benefit Act


Canada Emergency Response Benefit Act

Worker means a person who is at least 15 years of age, who is resident in Canada and who, for 2019 or in the 12-month period preceding the day on which they make an application under section 5, has a total income of at least $5,000 — or, if another amount is fixed by regulation, of at least that amount — from the following sources:
(a) employment;
(b) self-employment;
(c) benefits paid to the person under any of subsections 22(1), 23(1), 152.‍04(1) and 152.‍05(1) of the Employment Insurance Act; and
(d) allowances, money or other benefits paid to the person under a provincial plan because of pregnancy or in respect of the care by the person of one or more of their new-born children or one or more children placed with them for the purpose of adoption.‍ (travailleur)
6 (1) A worker is eligible for an income support payment if
(a) the worker, whether employed or self-employed, ceases working for reasons related to COVID-19 for at least 14 consecutive days within the four-week period in respect of which they apply for the payment; and
(b) they do not receive, in respect of the consecutive days on which they have ceased working,
(i) subject to the regulations, income from employment or self-employment,
(ii) benefits, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Employment Insurance Act,
(iii) allowances, money or other benefits paid to the worker under a provincial plan because of pregnancy or in respect of the care by the worker of one or more of their new-born children or one or more children placed with them for the purpose of adoption, or
(iv) any other income that is prescribed by regulation.

(2) An employed worker does not cease work for the purpose of paragraph (1)‍(a) if they quit their employment voluntarily.

Amount of payment
7 (1) The amount of an income support payment for a week is the amount fixed by regulation for that week.

For more information, click here.

March 25, 2020: Ontario releases new action plan

The Ontario government announced another initiative to help those affected by the COVID-19 virus.

With respect to employment, Ontario’s Action Plan: Responding to COVID-19 (March 2020 Economic and Fiscal Update) includes:

  • Helping families pay for the extra costs associated with school and daycare closures during the COVID-19 outbreak by providing a one-time payment of $200 per child up to 12 years of age, and $250 for those with special needs, including children enrolled in private schools.
  • Proposing to double the Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS) payment for low-income seniors for six months.
  • Supporting more affordable electricity bills for eligible residential, farm and small business consumers, by providing approximately $5.6 billion for electricity cost relief programs in 2020-21, which is an increase of approximately $1.5 billion compared to the 2019 Budget plan.
  • Further supporting more affordable electricity bills by setting electricity prices for residential, farm and small business time-of-use customers at the lowest rate, known as the off-peak price, 24 hours a day for 45 days to support ratepayers in their increased daytime electricity usage as they respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, addressing concerns about time-of-use metering.
  • Cutting taxes by $355 million for about 57,000 employers through a proposed temporary increase to the Employer Health Tax (EHT) exemption.
  • Providing $9 million in direct support to families for their energy bills by expanding eligibility for the Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) and ensuring that their electricity and natural gas services are not disconnected for nonpayment during the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • Providing emergency child care options to support parents working on the front lines, such as health care workers, police officers, firefighters and correctional officers.
  • Expanding access to the emergency assistance program administered by Ontario Works to provide financial support to people facing economic hardship and help more people meet basic needs such as food and rent during this public health emergency.
  • Enhancing funding by $148 million for charitable and non-profit social services organizations such as food banks, homeless shelters, churches and emergency services to improve their ability to respond to COVID-19, by providing funding directly to Consolidated Municipal Service Managers and District Social Service Administration Boards who would allocate this funding based on local needs.
    • Making available $6 billion by providing five months of interest and penalty relief for businesses to file and make payments for the majority of provincially administered taxes.
    • Over $1.8 billion by deferring the upcoming June 30 quarterly municipal remittance of education property tax to school boards by 90 days, which will provide municipalities the flexibility to, in turn, provide property tax deferrals to residents and businesses, while ensuring school boards continue to receive their funding.
    • Making available $1.9 billion by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) allowing employers to defer payments for up to six months.

For more information, click here.

March 25, 2020: Applications open for self-isolating Albertans in need of financial support

Financial support for working Albertans who are experiencing a loss of income resulting from self-isolation due to COVID-19 is coming, as Alberta opens the application process.

March 25, 2020: Canadians can expect to get $2,000 per month within 10 days

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau assured struggling and laid off workers that they will be able to access new emergency benefits within 10 days of applying.

People who have been laid off could receive $2,000 every month for four months, the prime minister said Wednesday.

Already, the government has processed 143,000 applications.

For more information, click here.

March 25, 2020: Trudeau combines emergency COVID-19 aid benefit for Canadians

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced the government is merging two previously announced employment insurance benefits for Canadians who are out of, or off work because of COVID-19.

He is also vowing that more financial assistance will come as the pandemic wages on, with the first $82-billion aid package set to flow as soon as it passes Parliament on Wednesday.

The new benefit combines the Emergency Care Benefit and Emergency Support Benefit — into the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and will provide up to $2,000 a month for the next four months for people who are off work and without an income as a result of the novel coronavirus.

For more information, click here.

For the official announcement, click here.

March 25, 2020: Can you refuse work during a pandemic? – CityNews

A pandemic alone is not reason enough to miss work, but an employee can refuse if there is a legitimate threat to their safety. Stuart appeared on CityNews to discuss the unusual circumstances we are currently dealing with.

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March 25, 2020: Thousands of businesses may be breaking the law – Toronto Star

Stuart told the Star that many businesses don’t have the right to lay their employees off, and there may be a wave of wrongful dismissal lawsuits in the coming weeks or months.

Read More


March 25, 2020: Saskatchewan amends law to remove notice requirement for temporary layoff

The Government of Saskatchewan amended its Employment Standards Regulations relating to layoffs caused by a public health emergency.

The amendments provide that a public health emergency arises if:

  1. an emergency declaration is made under The Emergency Planning Act; or
  2. the Chief Medical Health Officer makes an order that a disease poses a serious public health risk in Saskatchewan and that individuals must take measures to isolate themselves to prevent spread of that disease.

In such circumstances, an employer will not have to provide notice or pay in lieu of notice of layoff which would normally be required.

Note that this does not alter the common law or in any way grant a common law right to lay employees off that did not exist before. As we have discussed repeatedly, laying an employee of temporarily can constitute a constructive dismissal.

March 24, 2020: What is an “essential workplace“ anyways?

As governments struggle to find ways to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we have seen many orders and directions regarding how business is to be conducted. In some cases, industries have been shut down entirely. Earlier this week, the government of Ontario announced the shutdown of all non-essential businesses effective midnight tonight.

Read More


March 24, 2020: Remember, temporary layoffs are not always allowed

Stuart and the team have been saying this for years, but it has never been so relevant:

Businesses do not automatically have the right to lay someone off on a temporary basis.

Doing so can constitute a constructive dismissal and expose the company to liability that far exceeds any short-term cost savings.

Business owners should not assume that they have the right to lay people off temporarily, even during a pandemic.

And employees that are laid off should not assume that they have no rights.

For a recent post by Stuart on the topic, click here.

March 23, 2020: Ontario announces essential services

As we reported earlier, the Government of Ontario has announced a shutdown of non-essential services. They have now clarified the scope of this by listing those services that are considered to be essential.

The Government also confirmed that this does not preclude the provision of work and services by entities not on this list either online, by telephone or by mail/delivery, and that teleworking and online commerce are permitted at all times for all businesses.

For  more information, click here.

March 23, 2020: Rudner Law’s detailed list of COVID-19 workplace resources

Our team has put together a detailed list of resources to help you understand your legal rights and obligations when it comes to COVID-19 and the workplace.

Download Now


March 23, 2020: Toronto to declare state of emergency

Reports are that Mayor John Tory will declare a state of emergency in Toronto, effective immediately.

This will allow decisions to be made without going to a council vote.

For more information, click here.

March 23, 2020: Ontario Government announces shutdown of non-essential services

Premier Doug Ford has announced the shutdown of all non-essential services across the province in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19

Essential services that will remain open include manufacturers, supermarkets, LCBO, pharmacies and restaurants offering takeout.

For more information, click here.

March 23, 2020: How to find out if your business qualifies for the COVID-19 wage subsidy

Ottawa’s proposed wage subsidy was announced last week and is set to be in place for three months.

It will be equal to 10 per cent of total remuneration paid between March 18, 2020, and June 20, 2020, up to a maximum of $1,375 per worker and $25,000 per employer.

The wage subsidy is limited to eligible small businesses. The CRA says that includes the following:

  • Non-profit organizations.
  • Registered charities.
  • Canadian-controlled private corporations with less than $15 million in taxable capital employed in Canada, a measure also used to calculate the existing small business deduction.

If a business is eligible, but not paying employees during the applicable period because it is closed, it does not qualify.

For more information, click here.

March 23, 2020: Ontario gives hospitals temporary power over staff to deal with COVID-19 pandemic

The provincial government announced a state of emergency earlier this week, and on Saturday night it said that it would use the declaration to allow hospitals to override collective agreements.

“The province is taking decisive action to ensure we can continue to be responsive and nimble as the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases grows,” Solicitor General Syliva Jones said.
“While normal protocols are important in routine times, these extraordinary steps will ensure our health sector workers are there, where and when they are needed.”

Hospitals can now move staff between locations and to COVID-19 assessment centres without notice.

It also allows hospitals to assign non-bargaining unit employees, volunteers or contract employees to do bargaining unit work.

Hospitals can now change the scheduling of work or shift assignments, as well as defer or cancel vacations, absences or other leaves

They can also start employing extra part-time or temporary staff or contractors.

For more information, click here.

March 22, 2020: Toronto to provide free, 24/7 childcare for essential and critical service workers

The City of Toronto says it will provide free childcare 24 hours a day, seven days a week for children of essential and critical workers as they serve on the front lines of the battle against coronavirus.

The announcement comes after the Province of Ontario said Sunday that it will allow some childcare centres in the province to stay open to care for the children of health workers and first responders.

The centres in Toronto will be funded by the province. They are expected to open as soon as possible and will be available for children from infant to age 12.

For more information, click here.

March 22, 2020: What to do if you’ve been laid off due to COVID-19 – CityNews

While the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many Canadians having been temporarily laid off, it’s important to have frank conversations with your employers and pay attention to what’s in your contract. Stuart spoke to CityNews about this.

Watch Now


March 22, 2020: More help coming from the federal government

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Sunday the House of Commons will be recalled on Tuesday at 12 p.m. in order to pass emergency legislation to help fight COVID-19.

Trudeau made the announcement from Rideau Cottage, where he is currently in self-isolation.

Trudeau said this will allow the government to “put their plan into motion,” including up to $82 billion in support for families, workers and businesses impacted by the pandemic.

For more information, click here.

March 22, 2020: Nova Scotia declares state of emergency effective immediately

As of Sunday, the province of Nova Scotia will be limiting gatherings to no more than five (5) people.

The government has also closed provincial parks and trails.

The Premier said Nova Scotians are still permitted to go grocery shopping or for walks in their own neighbourhoods, provided they are careful about social distancing.

Minister of Justice Mark Furey told the public that police would now be authorized to enforce social distancing, including issuing summary offense tickets and fines.

“The fines are for individuals found in breach of the order, $1,000 for each fine, each day,” said Furey.

For businesses, the fines would be $7,500 each day.

For more information, click here.

March 22, 2020: Loblaw to increase frontline worker pay due to coronavirus: union

UFCW said they have negotiated a $2 increase in hourly pay for all frontline employees across the country.

“The wage increase is in the process of being implemented and will be applied to the hourly rates of both full-time and part-time workers at all Loblaw stores and associated banners,” said union president Paul Meinema.

The pay increase announcement came out on the same day Loblaw said they plan to install plexiglass barriers to protect their employees from COVID-19.

For more information, click here.

March 20, 2020: Information for Dentists and Dental Practices – Rudner Law Blog – UPDATED

The purpose of this post is to try to address some of the main questions and concerns you may have as an employer in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Updated March 20, 2020.

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March 20, 2020: Information on the Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) Program

The SUB Program can be a great option for employers who need to lay off employees due to the impact of COVID-19 on their business.

Learn More


March 20, 2020: 6 key questions on how employers should handle staffing during pandemic

The questions keep flying when it comes to how employers can and should respond during the COVID-19 pandemic. Stuart spoke to HR Reporter to provide some key answers.

Read Post


March 20, 2020: COVID-19 Pandemic – Frequently Asked Employment Law Questions – UPDATED

A broad look at the implications of COVID-19 for employers and employees by providing answers to some of the questions we have received from our clients over the past few weeks.

Updated March 20, 2020.

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March 19, 2020: Ontario government enacts Employment Standards Amendment Act (Infectious Disease Emergencies)

The Ontario government has taken further steps to help workers impacted by the COVID-19 virus. This Act provided job-protected leave to employees in isolation or quarantine due to COVID-19, or those who need to be away from work to care for children because of school or day care closures or to care for other relatives.

It also provides that

An employee is entitled to take a leave under clause (1.1) (a) for as long as he or she is not performing the duties of his or her position because of an emergency declared under section 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and a reason referred to in subclauses (1.1) (a) (i) to (iv), but, subject to subsection (6), the entitlement ends on the day the emergency is terminated or disallowed.

    For more information, click here and here.

    March 19, 2020: New Brunswick declares state of emergency

    Among other things,

    • all retail outlets except grocery stores, pharmacies, NB Liquor, Cannabis NB, hardware stores and vehicle garages will be ordered to close.
    • restaurants will be restricted to takeout service, while bars must close.
    • anyone who is told to self-isolate by a medical professional must comply by law under the province’s Emergency Measures Act.

    For more information, click here.

    March 19, 2020: Work Sharing Might be an Option when Reducing Employee Hours

    Among many initiatives to assist those impacted by COVID-19, the Federal Government announced that it would

    Introduce enhancements to the Work-Sharing program to help support employers and their workers who are experiencing a downturn in business due to COVID-19. Work-sharing helps keep workers employed and able to receive income support even as their hours of work may be reduced. These enhancements will double the length of time that employers and workers are eligible to use work-share from 38 to 76 weeks, and streamline processes so help can be accessed as soon as possible.

    This can be helpful for employers that need to reduce the working hours of some or all of their employees. However, there is a waiting period and a formalized process to be followed.

    March 19, 2020: COVID-19 Pandemic and Travel – What Should Employers Do? – UPDATED

    We provide you with some practical recommendations to ensure you are complying with your legal obligations as an employer. Employees as well will benefit from reviewing this blog post to understand their rights. The reality is that this is a relatively novel situation and employers, employees and Employment Lawyers are all working through the issues that this has created.

    Updated March 19.

    Read Post


    March 18, 2020: Statement from Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health

    As forwarded by the Human Resources Professionals Association:

    Statement from Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health: Enhanced Measures to Protect Ontarians from COVID-19
    The Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. David Williams, issued the following statement detailing enhanced public health measures to help contain the spread of COVID-19:

    Following a number of significant announcements regarding travel and public health measures over the past 72 hours, and after further consultations with my colleagues across Canada, I would like to take the opportunity to clarify my guidance to Ontarians on COVID-19.

    This is an evolving situation, and your role in helping to manage the spread of COVID-19 in Ontario is critical. It is imperative that we take steps now and take steps together to reduce opportunities for transmission. I am asking for your cooperation in following the advice below as best you can over the coming weeks. By working together, we can make a difference in this outbreak and protect those among us who are most vulnerable to COVID-19.

    The symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, new cough and difficulty breathing, and these may occur within 14 days of an exposure to another case.<

    Dr. Williams continued by strongly recommending a further limitation to public gatherings from his advice on March 12, 2020. He is further advising Ontarians to avoid large gatherings of over 50 people.

    In addition, he specifically requests the closure of the following settings as soon as possible:

    • All recreational programs and libraries
    • All private schools
    • All daycares
    • All churches and other faith settings
    • All bars and restaurants, with the exception of restaurants that can shift to takeout/delivery mechanisms

    If you do not have any symptoms of COVID-19

    Everyone in Ontario should be practicing social distancing to reduce their exposure to other people. This means that one can carry out daily activities, such as going to work (if they cannot work from home) and doing necessary shopping and appointments.

    It is asked that everyone in Ontario do their best to avoid close contact with people outside of their immediate families. Close contact includes being within 2 meters of another person.

    In addition Dr. Williams explained, If you believe you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 symptoms, he recommends that you begin to self-monitor for a period of 14 days. This means that, in addition to social distancing, you should track how you feel. You should take your temperature daily and log any other symptoms that develop (e.g., sore throat, new cough). You can share these records with your primary care provider over the phone if you seek assessment services.

    All persons over 70 years of age and individuals who are immunocompromised are advised to self-isolate for a period of 14 days. This means that you should only leave your home or see other people for essential reasons.  Where possible, you should seek services over the phone or internet or ask for help from friends, family or neighbours with essential errands.

    If you have travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days and are not a healthcare worker or another essential service worker, he asks that you self-isolate for 14 days since your arrival in Canada. People who are self-isolating should not go to work. Learn about travel advisories related to the 2019 novel coronavirus.

    Workers who have travelled and are part of workplaces that are essential to daily living are able to return to work as long as they are asymptomatic. However, they should self-monitor for a period of 14 days and identify themselves to their employer so that a plan can be put into place to ensure the protection of those workplaces.

    Children under the age of 16 years who have travelled outside of Canada should also self-isolate for a period of 14 days. Parents should actively monitor their children’s symptoms. Children who are self-isolating should stay at home and avoid social gathering points such as community centres or parks.

    Public Health Ontario has excellent fact sheets on how to self monitor and self isolate.

    If you start to feel symptoms of COVID-19: Dr. Williams requests anyone who begins to feel unwell (fever, new cough or difficulty breathing) to return home and self-isolate immediately. People who are self-isolating should seek clinical assessment over the phone – either through TeleHealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000) or by calling their primary care provider’s office. If one needs additional assessment, their primary care provider or TeleHealth will direct them to in-person care options. If one is in medical distress and need urgent care, they should call 911 and let 911 know what they are self-isolating because of COVID-19.

    If you are an employer: Dr. Williams asks all employers in Ontarians to facilitate virtual work arrangements to enable employees to work from home where possible to enable workers to limit their activities, care for children and to self isolate. However, he recognizes that there are a number of workplaces where this is not possible. He would ask those employers to use their judgement to sustain operations in a manner that maintains social distancing.

    If need to seek health care for COVID-19: If one is unwell and needs to seek health assessment for COVID-19 there are three options to available:

    • A Self Assessment Tool available at:
    • Telehealth Ontario at: 1-866-797-0000 (24/7)
    • One’s primary care provider – they should call their primary care provider and they will provide virtual assessment by phone or other technology. One should not book an in-person visit for COVID-19 assessment without first having a virtual assessment.
    • If one requires an in-person health assessment, they will be referred to an appropriate location for in-person health assessment.  Only people with COVID-19 symptoms will be tested.

    Health Reminders: Dr. Williams wants to remind all Ontarians that there are important actions that they should be taking every day in order to protect your health. These include:

    • Washing your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer
    • Sneezing and cough into your sleeve
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
    • Avoid contact with people who are sick<
    • Stay at home if you are sick. In particular, do not visit a long-term care, retirement home or other congregate living situation.

    The well-being of our members, volunteers, stakeholders and staff is our utmost priority, and we will continue to update you on the evolving situation. We hope that you and your families remain safe and healthy as this global health challenge continues to unfold.

    March 18, 2020: COVID-19, layoffs, and frustration of contract

    Professor David Doorey is a well-known and well-respected leader in the world of Employment and Labour Law. He has posted “an introduction” to COVID-19, layoffs, and Employment Standards which can be found here.

    Among other things, Professor Doorey reminds us that according to the common law, a temporary layoff can trigger a constructive dismissal. Employers should not assume they have the right to unilaterally lay someone off, even if there is a shortage of work. And employees should not assume a layoff can be imposed upon them.

    Of course, as Professor Doorey also points out, the present circumstances could lead to a finding that employment contracts have been frustrated, which would allow the employer to bring about the end of the employment relationship without the requirement of providing notice or compensation. This point is certainly open to argument, at least until the government enacts legislation to address the issue.

    March 18, 2020: Canadian government unveils $82bn in aid for families, business

    New measures to help individuals and businesses impacted  by COVID-19 (which, of course, is most of us) were announced by Prime Minister Trudeau today. They include:

    • A new Emergency Care Benefit that will provide up to $900 bi-weekly for up to 15 weeks for Canadians without paid sick leave or access to Employment Insurance sickness benefits (this will assist those forced to self-isolate)
    • The Canada Revenue Agency will provide up to $5 billion for unemployed workers without access to EI through a new Emergency Support Benefit
    • A subsidy equal to 10 per cent of employee wages, up to $1,375 per employees and $25,000 per employer, to help businesses avoid layoffs

    For more information, click here.

    March 18, 2020: How to apply for EI sickness benefits and the new emergency worker fund

    Our federal government is offering new financial support for Canadians whose jobs have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Wednesday that the government will provide up to $27 billion for workers and businesses.

    The emergency care benefit will provide up to $900 every two weeks, for up to 15 weeks, to help Canadian workers who

    1. cannot go to work,
    2. do not have paid sick leave and
    3. do not qualify for EI sickness benefits.

    This includes those who are sick themselves, as well as those who are staying home to look after others who are sick or children who are not in school.

    The emergency support benefit will offer payments of undisclosed amounts to unemployed workers who are not eligible for EI.

    More information about applying for EI sickness benefits is available on the government’s website.

    For more information, click here.

    March 18, 2020: Ontario cancels EQAO

    Students (including Stuart’s kids) will be happy to learn Ontario is cancelling standardized tests for elementary and high school students throughout the province for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. That includes EQAO.

    For more information, click here.

    March 18, 2020: Canada-US border to close to non-essential travel

    The Canadian and American governments are working on a border closure that will see all non-essential travel banned. Details have yet to be finalized but are expected to be announced in the next day or so.

    March 17, 2020: Ontario government declares state of emergency

    The Ontario Government has declared a state of emergency for Ontario due to the coronavirus outbreak. Ontario is the first province to do so. 

    This is not a province-wide shutdown, and many businesses will continue to operate, including grocery stores, convenience stores, pharmacies, manufacturing facilities, public transit, important public services, construction sites and office buildings.

    However, the following are required to close:

     the following establishments are legally required to close immediately:

    • All facilities providing indoor recreational programs
    • All public libraries
    • All private schools as defined in the Education Act
    • All licensed child care centres
    • All bars and restaurants, except to the extent that such facilities provide takeout food and delivery
    • All theatres including those offering live performances of music, dance, and other art forms, as well as cinemas that show movies
    • Concert venues

    For more information, click here.

    March 17, 2020: Alberta Government Declares COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency

    The Government of Alberta has taken this aggressive step. Gatherings of groups of 50 or more are banned and citizens are also banned from public places like casinos, bingo halls, theatres, children’s play centres, recreation centres and arenas, science centres, museums and art galleries, community centres, fitness facilities, and entertainment facilities like movie theatres.

    Note that the ban does not apply to health care facilities, grocery stores, airports, the Alberta legislature, and other essential services.

    Sit-down restaurants, cafés, coffee shops, food courts and other food-serving facilities, including those with a minors-allowed liquor license, are limited to 50 per cent capacity to a maximum of 50 people.

    For more information, click here.

    March 17, 2020: Fire Away Discussion – How to Navigate COVID-19 in the Workplace

    Richa Sandill, Brittany Taylor and Nadia Zaman joined Stuart for a discussion on the workplace challenges facing employers and employees during the COVID-19 outbreak.

    Watch Video


    March 16, 2020: A Message From Rudner Law Regarding COVID-19

    This is unprecedented, and any unprecedented situation results in questions and uncertainty. It can also result in risk and legal liability. There are many questions, and the key is to have proper legal advice so that you can make an informed decision.

    Read Post


    March 16, 2020: COVID-19 Pandemic – Frequently Asked Employment Law Questions

    A broad look at the implications of COVID-19 for employers and employees by providing answers to some of the questions we have received from our clients over the past few weeks.

    Read Post


    March 13, 2020: COVID-19 Pandemic and Travel – What Should Employers Do?

    We provide you with some practical recommendations to ensure you are complying with your legal obligations as an employer. Employees as well will benefit from reviewing this blog post to understand their rights. The reality is that this is a relatively novel situation and employers, employees and Employment Lawyers are all working through the issues that this has created.

    Read Post


    Articles & Videos by Rudner Law


    Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Review

    Video Update: Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Review

    Brittany Taylor reviews the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and provides a brief summary of this very complicated program to try to assist employers to understand what their entitlements may be.



    In the News: Rudner Law on Covid-19 in the Workplace

    Featured Videos

    fired for freedom rally

    Saskatoon school custodian could be fired for ‘freedom rally’ participation: employment lawyer

    “Freedom of speech guarantees that you won’t be criminally prosecuted for something you say. It doesn’t guarantee your job,” Rudner told CTV News, referencing situations where an employer fires an employee over social media misconduct.

    Breakfast Television: Applications open for new sick leave benefit from federal government

    Breakfast Television: Applications open for new sick leave benefit from federal government

    Toronto employment lawyer Stuart Rudner speaks with Mel about the new sick leave benefit, which provides 10 days of paid sick leave to any worker who falls ill or must isolate due to COVID-19.

    Sask. teachers worried about COVID-19 could refuse to work – if they have the right grounds

    CTV News: Sask. teachers worried about COVID-19 could refuse to work – if they have the right grounds

    Rudner said the danger in the workplace must be substantial and cannot be generalized fears.

    CTV News: COVID-19 Facts vs. Fiction

    CTV News: COVID-19 Facts vs. Fiction

    Employment lawyers Muneeza Sheikh and Stuart Rudner join CTV News to answer the most common questions about labour practices amid COVID-19.

    CTV News: Returning to work during COVID-19 – Part 1

    CTV News: Returning to work during COVID-19 – Part 1

    Employment lawyers Muneeza Sheikh and Stuart Rudner join CTV News Channel to break down employees’ rights when they head back to work.

    CTV Your Morning: How employers are planning for a post-COVID-19 world

    CTV Your Morning: How employers are planning for a post-COVID-19 world

    There are a few things businesses should know before reopening.

    CTV News: Provinces begin unveiling plans to reopen

    CTV News: Provinces begin unveiling plans to reopen

    Employment Lawyer Stuart Rudner talks about the legal implications and logistics of reopening businesses amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

    CityNews Toronto: Keeping Canadians paid during the COVID-19 pandemic

    CityNews Toronto: Keeping Canadians paid during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Parliament reconvened Saturday to pass the government’s wage subsidy bill. Caryn Ceolin with what it’ll mean for you if you’ve lost your paycheque, and when you could see money flowing if you’re a business.

    CityNews: What to do if you’ve been laid off due to COVID-19

    CityNews: What to do if you’ve been laid off due to COVID-19

    While the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many Canadians having been temporarily laid, employment lawyer Stuart Rudner says it’s important to have frank conversations with your employers and pay attention to what’s in your contract.

    Covid-19 News Feed

    Home sick: How hybrid workplaces and employees can navigate flu season; Brittany Taylor comments.

    September 11, 2023
    With a current uptick in COVID-19 cases in Canada linked to two new variants, along with the usual cold and flu season, employment lawyer Brittany Taylor said it's crucial that both employers and employees take the time now to consider how to handle sick days.
    Go to Media Coverage

    New York Times staff refuse to return to office, but employers can usually dictate where work is done: Stuart Rudner

    September 14, 2022
    Stuart Rudner offered his take on what would happen if a worker refuses to return to the office.
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    Ready to go back to the office? Employers and workers are divided over the fate of remote work – Nadia quoted in the Globe and Mail

    September 7, 2022
    Legally, employers can dictate where their employee works from, unless there is a specific clause in the employee’s contract that specifies remote work as an option, according to Nadia Zaman.
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    ‘I’m not coming back!’ How to recall reluctant employees – Stuart comments for HRD Canada

    August 31, 2022
    “The employer has the right to determine where work will be performed,” stated Stuart Rudner, founder of Rudner Law, told HRD.
    Go to Media Coverage

    Employment lawyers say there could be a new wave of lawsuits from workers after COVID temporary layoffs end – Stuart for The Toronto Star

    August 23, 2022
    So far, the courts have agreed that a temporary layoff, even under IDEL, does not mean an employee can’t file for constructive dismissal, said employment lawyer Stuart Rudner, unless the employer had workers sign an agreement to the contrary, which many did not.
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    Firefighters file lawsuit against City of Calgary over COVID-19 vaccine policy – Nadia comments for CTV News

    July 21, 2022
    Nadia Zaman, an employment lawyer with Rudner Law in Ontario, who is not representing the firefighters, says court will consider the impact of people working closely together or with members of the public, especially if they are vulnerable.
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    More workers returning to in-person work – Nadia Zaman talks to Aarti Pole on CBC News

    July 5, 2022
    CBC News Network's Aarti Pole speaks with Nadia Zaman, an employment lawyer with Rudner Law in Markham, Ontario, about the difficult transition of going back to work as restrictions ease.
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    Why your options may be limited if your employer wants you back in the workplace – Nadia Zaman comments for CBC News

    July 4, 2022
    Nadia Zaman, an employment lawyer with Rudner Law in Markham, Ont., said she and her colleagues have fielded an increasing number of return-to-workplace questions in recent months.
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    Recalling employees after the pandemic: How to balance policy and preference – Stuart comments for HRD Canada

    May 17, 2022
    “The employer has the right to determine where work will be performed,” stated Stuart Rudner, founder of Rudner Law, told HRD.
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    Stuart on CTV Saskatoon to discuss businesses continuing vaccination/mask requirements.

    February 24, 2022
    What could the legal issues be if businesses continue to impose proof of vaccination or masking once those public health orders are lifted? Stuart spoke to Matt Young with CTV Saskatoon to hopefully provide some clarity. Segment starts at the 10:00 mark.
    Go to Media Coverage

    Big issue in 2022 will be extent of allowable exceptions to mandatory vaccine policies. Stuart comments for the Lawyer’s Daily.

    February 11, 2022
    Stuart Rudner, an employment lawyer and mediator with Rudner Law in Markham, Ont., said a business can impose discipline on someone for breach of policy or insubordination as long as the policy is reasonable, and “that is where all of these cases or going to succeed or fall apart.”
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    Work Reimagined: Employee benefits for the hybrid workplace – Talent Canada roundtable featuring Brittany Taylor.

    February 11, 2022
    In January, Talent Canada hosted an exclusive roundtable in partnership with TELUS Health to explore the future of health benefits in a hybrid world.
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    Brittany talks to CTV Saskatoon about businesses still requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccine after mandate ends.

    February 11, 2022
    As Saskatchewan prepares to lift its COVID-19 vaccine mandate on Monday, a lawyer says businesses can still require proof of vaccination from employees and members of the public depending on the environment in which they work.
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    Flexing workplace flexibility muscles in working from home arrangements.

    November 15, 2021
    As Canadians slowly emerge from the COVID-19 cocoon we’ve been living in over the past 18 months, one thing has become clear — for most of those who have been working from home through the pandemic, the prospect of going back to the workplace full time is something to which they are not looking forward.
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    Stuart comments on job postings requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for the Globe and Mail.

    September 30, 2021
    “Unless someone is not vaccinated because of a genuinely held religious belief or a health condition, then you can make this a requirement for getting the job,” Toronto-based employment lawyer Stuart Rudner said. “Otherwise it’s no different than requiring a driver’s licence.”
    Go to Media Coverage

    Can workers who decline vaccination hold on to their jobs? Short answer: Not likely – Stuart comments for Ottawa Citizen

    September 27, 2021
    Unless workers are under covered by a collective agreement, they can be dismissed for any reason at all, said employment lawyer and mediator Stuart Rudner, author of You’re Fired! Just Cause for Dismissal in Canada. This kind of dismissal is called “without cause,” and the worker is entitled to severance pay.
    Go to Media Coverage

    Stuart takes a close look at ‘mandatory’ vaccination policies for the Lawyer’s Daily.

    September 20, 2021
    The public will be forgiven for concluding that virtually every major employer is requiring that all employees be vaccinated or they will lose their job. Yet if you read the details of most of these policies, they are not mandatory at all.
    Go to Media Coverage

    Laid-off Ontario workers fight employers claiming constructive dismissal over emergency leave program – Toronto Star

    September 20, 2021
    Stuart Rudner, managing partner at Rudner Law, said the legal community still doesn’t have enough precedent to determine how successful these constructive dismissal/IDEL cases will be.
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    Stuart discusses Air Canada’s move to require vaccinations for its employees – CTV News

    August 26, 2021
    Stuart talks about vaccination mandates for people with public facing jobs and what legal challenges are already being brought forward.
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    Stuart tells CTV Saskatoon that venues and public spaces requiring vaccinations can be warranted.

    August 20, 2021
    The CEO of Hospitality Saskatchewan says music venues won't be the only businesses in Saskatoon to require mandatory vaccines.
    Go to Media Coverage

    Brittany advises employers not to assume they have the ability to lay off their employees – via HRD Canada

    August 16, 2021
    A Toronto employment lawyer has one piece of advice to HR amid the ongoing confusion over the Infectious Disease Emergency Leave (IDEL): Don't make assumptions.
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    Stuart writes about the deductibility of EI and CERB benefits from severance payments for First Reference Talks

    July 9, 2021
    This issue has arisen in several recent mediations that I have conducted. As regular readers will know, Employment Insurance benefits are usually deducted from money paid out in lieu of notice of dismissal. At mediation, the plaintiff will be asked if they received EI benefits; if they did, then a mechanism for obtaining a statement of account/debt from Service Canada, and a holdback of funds to cover any repayment obligation, is typical.
    Go to Media Coverage

    Second Superior Court Judgement on layoffs and constructive dismissal reaches the opposite result of the first. Stuart provides his insight for the Law Times.

    June 10, 2021
    “We have now this complete state of uncertainty,” says Stuart Rudner, an employment lawyer and managing partner of Rudner Law. “Because we have two courts, within a period of about a month, that have interpreted the exact same issue in completely different ways.”
    Go to Media Coverage

    Stuart talks to Brian Bourke about temporary layoffs and constructive dismissal – 570 NEWS

    May 13, 2021
    Stuart talks to Brian Bourke of 570NEWS about the recent confirmation by an Ontario Superior Court judge that temporary layoffs are constructive dismissal, leaving employers liable.
    Go to Media Coverage

    Employee misconduct: How COVID-19 is changing the rules – Human Resources Director Canada

    May 10, 2021
    The global pandemic has acted as a catalyst for organizational change, revolutionizing the way we think about workplace practices — particularly regarding employment law. As a result, the definition of employee misconduct, and the types of conduct that can warrant disciplinary action or dismissal, has expanded and evolved. Speaking to Stuart Rudner, founder of Rudner Law and speaker at the upcoming UKG webinar, Employee Misconduct in Canada, he revealed how clients are coming to him with a whole host of new questions.
    Go to Media Coverage

    Judge rules layoff due to COVID was actually constructive dismissal — opening the door for a ‘huge number’ of laid-off workers to sue their employers – Toronto Star

    May 10, 2021
    A recent ruling by an Ontario judge confirmed what some employment lawyers have been saying for more than a year — that many businesses may have actually constructively dismissed their employees when enacting temporary layoffs, putting themselves on the hook for severance pay. Last March, when employers were doing temporary layoffs during a time of uncertainty, Toronto employment lawyer Stuart Rudner told the Star that many of those layoffs might actually be constructive dismissals, meaning the employer had essentially terminated the employee and would owe them severance.
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    Will employers see a deluge of constructive dismissal claims? – HR Reporter

    May 6, 2021
    A recent ruling from an Ontario court could see the “floodgates open” to a slew of new cases against employers that temporarily laid off workers in the early days of the pandemic, says an employment lawyer. “This is a really huge decision and it should be a huge concern for employers,” says Stuart Rudner, founder of Rudner Law in Toronto, in talking to Canadian HR Reporter.
    Go to Media Coverage

    Restaurant servers are the only adult front line workers making less than minimum wage — and experts say some are likely legally entitled to a raise – Waterloo Chronicle

    May 6, 2021
    With restaurants closed to dining, many servers who used to make a large portion of their pay in the form of tips are still working — but they are no longer serving alcohol on premises and are getting a fraction of the tips they used to. But some say they are still being paid the liquor server minimum wage, which is almost $2 an hour less. Rudner Law partner Brittany Taylor noted the act specifically says the employee has to serve liquor in the premises that have a liquor licence. It’s unclear whether that’s still the case when dining is closed, she said. “As a result, handing liquor off to a delivery person, rather than to the customer directly within the establishment, may not qualify,” she said.
    Go to Media Coverage

    COVID-related temporary layoff is constructive dismissal – Law Times

    May 3, 2021
    “I think this case is huge,” says Stuart Rudner, employment lawyer and managing partner at Rudner Law. “We've been waiting for this decision for a year now.”
    Go to Media Coverage

    Hosting a workplace vaccination clinic? Think it through – Legal Matters Canada

    May 3, 2021
    Employers looking to take the government up on an offer to host workplace COVID-19 vaccination clinics need to weigh the benefits and the risks first, says Ontario employment lawyer Nadia Zaman.
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    Saskatoon school custodian could be fired for ‘freedom rally’ participation – CTV News

    April 28, 2021
    A school custodian’s participation in rallies that appeared to violate the current COVID-19 public health order could lead to discipline, or even termination, according to an employment lawyer.
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    Federal sickness benefit vs paid sick leave: What’s the difference? – CityNews 1130

    April 9, 2021
    Many premiers have dismissed calls to enact provincial paid sick leave laws, arguing the federal government’s Recovery Sickness Benefit takes care of that. But Stuart Rudner of Rudner Law says they are not the same.
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    Impact of a pandemic on notice periods – The Lawyer’s Daily

    March 26, 2021
    What is the impact of a global pandemic on notice of dismissal or severance requirements? Does it result in increased notice, decreased payments, or neither?
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    COVID just one factor to consider when assessing notice periods – Legal Matters Canada

    March 26, 2021
    The economic fallout from the pandemic has left many uncertain about notice periods following terminations but two recent judgments provide some clarity, says Toronto-area employment lawyer Brittany Taylor.
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    Should all workers get paid time off to get a COVID-19 vaccine? In some places, it’s happening – Northumberland News

    March 26, 2021
    As mass vaccination campaigns scale up, so to have debates about how to make sure everyone has the opportunity to get vaccinated. While paid leave could remove a major barrier to getting a vaccine, the potential burden on already struggling businesses can’t be ignored, experts say.
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    Can your employer force you to get the COVID-19 vaccine? – CTV News

    March 5, 2021
    For those looking for clarity, employment lawyer Stuart Rudner says there's no clear-cut answer.
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    Global pandemic impact on notice periods – First Reference Talks

    February 9, 2021
    As we get closer to a full year of “pandemic life”, there is increased discussion of the impact of a global pandemic on notice periods.
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    Employee off-hours conduct during coronavirus pandemic leading to dismissals – Benefits Canada

    February 3, 2021
    Nadia Zaman, a lawyer at Rudner Law who practices in Ontario, says there’s recourse for an employee who feels a colleague is bringing a coronavirus health risk to the physical workplace through dangerous off-duty conduct.
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    Value of Employment Contracts for Solo and Small Firm Lawyers – Ontario Bar Association

    February 3, 2021
    Imagine this scenario: There is a worldwide pandemic, the global economy is devastated, and all non-essential businesses are ordered to shut down. You are able to continue a small portion of your practice, but revenues drop by 75% and you can’t afford your clerk and junior. You consult the employment standards legislation, confirm the rules regarding how layoffs are to be implemented, and then let them know that you have to lay them off temporarily until things pick up. The next thing that happens is that you receive an aggressive letter from an employment lawyer threatening to bring a claim for constructive dismissal on their behalf because you did not have the right to impose temporary layoffs. They will be seeking damages for wrongful dismissal, as well as punitive damages. Are they right?
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    The list of fireable offences has grown thanks to COVID-19 – CTV News

    January 29, 2021
    "In the context of a situation where an employer is dealing with employee complaints relating to, another employee engaging in risky behaviour, they can really rely on the policies," says Nadia Zaman, a lawyer at Rudner Law who practises in Ontario. Also published in the Toronto Star and by yahoo!finance.
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    Remote Work Rights

    January 27, 2021
    Richard Southern looks at the legal rights workers have under the province's stay-at-home order with Stuart Rudner, Founder and Employment Lawyer at Rudner Law.
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    A challenging road lies ahead after a year dominated by the pandemic

    January 19, 2021
    After the coronavirus “wakeup call” to the business world, employers and workers would be advised to heed the lessons learned as 2021 unfolds, says Toronto-area employment lawyer and mediator Stuart Rudner.
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    Growing calls for paid sick leave for essential workers

    January 15, 2021
    There are renewed calls for paid sick leave for low-wage and essential workers who fear losing their jobs or income if they miss shifts because they're sick or need to be tested for COVID-19. Stuart comments in this segment.
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    Toronto Public Health will publicly announce businesses that have had a COVID-19 outbreak

    January 6, 2021
    Mel is joined by Employment Lawyer, Stuart Rudner, to chat about how the city is now requiring employers to inform them immediately if they have 2 or more confirmed cases amongst employees, and how Public Health is promising to better inform people of which particular workplaces are experiencing those outbreaks.
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    Legal Matters Canada: Looking back at 2020 and the employment law lessons learned

    December 22, 2020
    The coronavirus that hit like a tsunami leaving shattered lives and uncertainty in its wake made 2020 a year like no other, says Toronto-area employment lawyer and mediator Stuart Rudner.
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    Breakfast Television: Applications open for new sick leave benefit from federal government

    October 13, 2020
    Toronto employment lawyer Stuart Rudner speaks with Mel about the new sick leave benefit, which provides 10 days of paid sick leave to any worker who falls ill or must isolate due to COVID-19.
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    LexisNexis: Back to Normal? COVID-19 and Return-to-work Issues

    September 28, 2020
    Although a lot of things have changed over the last few months, one thing that has not is that attending at work is not optional.
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    HRD Canada: Is COVID-19 a workplace injury?

    September 10, 2020
    At this point in the crisis, simply being exposed to the risk of COVID-19 isn’t grounds for a worker to sue their employer, said Stuart Rudner, founder of Canadian employment law firm Rudner Law.
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    McDonald’s Canada outlet closes after employee tests positive for COVID-19

    September 1, 2020
    Speaking to HRD Canada, Stuart Rudner, founder of employment law firm Rudner Law, explained the potential ramifications of employees catching the virus at work.
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    The Lawyer’s Daily: Do I have to return to the office during COVID-19?

    August 19, 2020
    Our firm has been working with both employers and employees to help them understand their rights and obligations in these unusual times. By far the most common question that we have encountered over the past few months is: “Do I have to go back to work when I am recalled?”
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    CTV News: Sask. teachers worried about COVID-19 could refuse to work – if they have the right grounds

    August 19, 2020
    Rudner said the danger in the workplace must be substantial and cannot be generalized fears.
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    CTV News: Majority of Canadians’ work refusal claims being denied amid COVID-19

    June 26, 2020
    Stuart Rudner, employment lawyer and founder of Rudner Law in Toronto, told that employers are required to provide a safe work environment, which means that an employee has grounds to complain if no attempts at implementing physical distancing and cleaning procedures have been made.
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    CTV News: Feds looking at permanent remote work, office needs after COVID-19

    June 23, 2020
    The federal government is taking a close look at the amount of office space it will need in the coming years as it considers how some of Canada's hundreds of thousands of federal public servants could end up working from home permanently.
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    HRD Canada – COVID-19: Can an employee sue for catching the virus at work?

    June 15, 2020
    HRD spoke to Stuart Rudner, founder of employment law firm Rudner Law. Rudner recently co-authored a report with UKG, COVID Q&A for Canadian Employers, which serves as an essential guide during these uncertain times. Rudner helped us debunk some common misconceptions around COVID-19 and employer obligations.
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    CDHA: COVID-19 Employment Q&A

    June 3, 2020
    Stuart Rudner, Employment Lawyer and Mediator of Rudner Law, answers your pressing questions about returning to work. Visit for a link to the accompanying COVID-19 Employment FAQ document and other updates and information for dental hygienists.
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    Toronto Star: What are your rights as you return to work in the middle of a pandemic? We asked two employment lawyers

    June 1, 2020
    We’ll take you through some of your legally defined choices that may arise due to COVID-19 if you’re subjected to temporary layoff, or you’re unable to work, or your employer is restarting operations and calls you back to work. And we’ll draw on the advice of two employment lawyers: Stuart Rudner, with Rudner Law based in Markham, who represents both employees and employers, and Louis Century, with Goldblatt Partners in Toronto, who represents employees.
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    CTV News: COVID-19 Facts vs. Fiction

    May 15, 2020
    Employment lawyers Muneeza Sheikh and Stuart Rudner join CTV News to answer the most common questions about labour practices amid COVID-19.
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    Legal Matters Canada: Be ready for new employment realities in the post-COVID world

    May 15, 2020
    With the business world slowly emerging from isolation it is important to prepare for what lies ahead and heed the lessons learned from the pandemic, says Toronto-area employment lawyer and mediator Stuart Rudner.
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    Vaughan Chamber of Commerce: Getting Back to Business after COVID-19 – HR Law Issues to Be Aware of

    May 13, 2020
    Of course, this phase of gradually reopening business raises all sorts of new questions. As we often say, we know that you don’t have “Employment Law issues”; you have business decisions to make. Our job is to make sure that you are aware of your rights and obligations as an employer, so you can make an informed decision.
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    CTV News: Returning to work during COVID-19 – Part 3

    May 6, 2020
    Employment lawyers Muneeza Sheikh and Stuart Rudner join CTV News Channel to break down employees’ rights when they head back to work.
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    CTV News: Returning to work during COVID-19 – Part 2

    May 6, 2020
    Employment lawyers Muneeza Sheikh and Stuart Rudner join CTV News Channel to break down employees’ rights when they head back to work.
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    CTV News: Returning to work during COVID-19 – Part 1

    May 6, 2020
    Employment lawyers Muneeza Sheikh and Stuart Rudner join CTV News Channel to break down employees’ rights when they head back to work.
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    CTV Your Morning: How employers are planning for a post-COVID-19 world

    May 6, 2020
    There are a few things businesses should know before reopening.
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    First Reference Talks: COVID-19 fact sheet regarding government support for employees

    May 5, 2020
    The purpose of this post is to address some of the frequently asked questions we have received from employees in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic relating to government support, including Canada Emergency Response Benefit, Employment Insurance, and Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy.
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    CTV News: Provinces begin unveiling plans to reopen

    April 28, 2020
    Employment Lawyer Stuart Rudner talks about the legal implications and logistics of reopening businesses amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    Canadian Auto World: COVID-19 Employer, Employee Give and Take

    April 27, 2020
    Stuart writes about what employers are supposed to do, and what employees can expect, during the crisis.
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    York Small Business: COVID-19 and the Workplace, What You Need to Know

    April 15, 2020
    The impact of the COVID-19 virus on our society and our economy has been devastating. Many businesses have closed completely and many more are suffering dramatically reduced revenues. As they try to find ways to reduce their costs, they look to their workforce. As a result, many individuals have either been temporarily laid off or had their hours and/or wages cut.
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    CityNews Toronto: Keeping Canadians paid during the COVID-19 pandemic

    April 13, 2020
    Parliament reconvened Saturday to pass the government’s wage subsidy bill. Caryn Ceolin with what it’ll mean for you if you’ve lost your paycheque, and when you could see money flowing if you’re a business.
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    The Lawyer’s Daily: Constructive dismissal and COVID-19

    April 2, 2020
    For decades, we have had an underlying tension in the world of employment law. Specifically, although employment standards legislation sets out the parameters for how a business can impose temporary layoffs, it does not give businesses the right to do so. The legislation explains how long a layoff can last, and other parameters such as when it will be deemed to be a termination of employment, but the right to impose a temporary layoff must come from contract.
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    First Reference Talks: COVID-19 pandemic: Fact sheet for employers and employees

    March 26, 2020
    In this post, we try to address some of the main questions and concerns you may have as an employer or employee in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that you will find this general information useful, but want to stress the importance of obtaining independent legal advice with respect to your individual circumstances. And, of course, things are moving very quickly in relation to this pandemic and the information below may change as the situation evolves.
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    CityNews: What to do if you’ve been laid off due to COVID-19

    March 23, 2020
    While the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many Canadians having been temporarily laid, employment lawyer Stuart Rudner says it’s important to have frank conversations with your employers and pay attention to what’s in your contract.
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    HRD Canada: Navigating COVID-19 in Canada

    March 23, 2020
    As industry leaders, UKG is committed to providing employers with the latest advice on the unfolding COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. As such, HRD spoke to Stuart Rudner, employment lawyer, mediator and founder of Rudner Law, who will lead UKG’s upcoming webinar, “Navigating COVID-19 in Canada.”
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    Legal Matters Canada: Employers must consider legal obligations during COVID-19 crisis

    March 18, 2020
    In light of the coronavirus crisis “health and safety is the top priority and concern on the minds of employers and employees,” says Ontario employment lawyer Nadia Zaman.
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    The Lawyer’s Daily: COVID-19: Employer, employee give and take

    March 16, 2020
    The World Health Organization has confirmed that we are now in the midst of a pandemic. Many countries have enacted dramatic travel restrictions, some cities and countries have attempted to shut themselves off completely from the outside world. Broadway is dark, all professional sports leagues have been suspended, school breaks have been extended, and people are fighting over toilet paper in the stores. So, what are employers supposed to do, and what can employees expect?
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    How We Can Help You

    In order to help people understand their rights in these unusual circumstances, we are offering half-hour consultations at reduced rates to address discrete COVID-19 related issues. If you retain our firm to continue advising or representing you after a consultation, the consultation fee will be credited to you.

    Employment Lawyers - Rudner Law
    Alternative Dispute Resolution Rudner Law

    Rudner Law
    15 Allstate Parkway
    Suite 600
    Markham, ON
    L3R 5B4

    Phone: 416-864-8500
    Text: 416-864-8500


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