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Fire Away! The Employment Law Show

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Health & Safety

  • Do you have all of the health and safety policies that are required? Have you done the mandated training?
  • Did you know that occupational health and safety includes not only physical dangers, but also harassment, bullying, and other risks?
  • Do you know how to respond if an employee refuses to work because the workplace is unsafe?
  • If an employee claims that a colleague is harassing them via social media, do you have to do anything to address it?
  • Have you met your duty to provide a safe work environment?

Not only is a safe workplace imperative for employee productivity and satisfaction, but employers also have legal duties and obligations pursuant to provincial health and safety legislation which revolve around providing a safe workplace for employees.

Employers should not make the mistake of assuming that occupational health and safety is only relevant to inherently unsafe work environments, such as construction sites or factories with extensive and dangerous machinery. In fact, the duties imposed by occupational health and safety legislation apply to almost all employers. Even in workplaces that may appear to be relatively risk-free – such as the standard office environment – employers have responsibilities with respect to health and safety.

Employers in all work environments should be aware that occupational health and safety legislation is not concerned only with physical dangers to workers, but emotional, mental and psychological dangers as well. Recently we have seen an increase in obligations placed on employers to protect an employee against workplace bullying, harassment, including sexual harassment, and workplace violence, and to conduct documented investigations into such incidents when the employer becomes aware of them.

Every employer has an obligation to take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of their workers. For many, this will mean preparing and implementing written workplace health and safety policies and procedures (including training for employees), which are reviewed and updated based on regular workplace risk assessments, and which are consistently enforced. It will also include appropriate and ongoing training and education for employees.

How we can help with Health & Safety in your workplace

We regularly help employers to implement such policies and procedures to prevent problems before they arise. We can also provide the required training, and we are experienced in assisting employers to appropriately respond to, investigate and resolve health and safety incidents, including helping employers to navigate situations involving workplace injuries and complaints of workplace harassment or bullying.

No employer wants to find themselves in the midst of a health and safety incident or harassment claim, but understanding your obligations as an employer and how to respond appropriately can allow you to address and resolve the issue, and prevent future problems from arising.

Don’t expose yourself to the financial consequences, and potential criminal liability, of failing to comply with your duties under provincial health and safety legislation. We will work with you to ensure that your policies and procedures are effective, and to defend any allegations against you.

We want to be your Trusted Advisor, your Chief HR Law Officer, your business partner. Let us be part of your team, so that we can look after your employment law issues, and you can focus on your business.

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If you think you may need an Employment Lawyer, then you probably do.

fired for cause book

You’re Fired! Just Cause for Dismissal in Canada

This well-written and comprehensive textbook, authored by Stuart Rudner, provides legal advice to employers, employees, and their legal counsel, as to whether summary dismissal is appropriate in a particular circumstance.

Free HR Checkup Ebook

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Employment Lawyers - Rudner Law
Alternative Dispute Resolution Rudner Law

Rudner Law
15 Allstate Parkway
Suite 600
Markham, ON
L3R 5B4

Phone: 416-864-8500
Text: 416-864-8500


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