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Contracts and policies are the cornerstones of the employment relationship, and many are required by law. Strategic use of contracts and policies will help you to

  • reduce labour costs,
  • reduce liability, and
  • maximize your rights as an employer.

Doing nothing is not the answer; it simply increases your risk. To help you, we
have put together cost-effective packages to fit any business’ needs and budget.

Don’t put it off any longer. Contact us for more information and to get started.

"Doing nothing is not the answer; it simply increases your risk."

Stuart Rudner

Toronto Employment Lawyer - Stuart Rudner

Starter Packages

Guide to Canadian Employment Law

A guidebook explaining the fundamentals of Canadian Employment Law.

One template employment contract

A template contract which can be customized for use when retaining new and/or existing employees. Options include:

  • Template for new employees (different templates for part-time, full-time, fixed term, indefinite term, salaried employees, hourly employees, sales employees, etc)
  • Template for existing employees
  • Template for new or existing managerial employees
  • etc.

Legally Required Policies

All policies which are expressly required by law, including:

  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Workplace Harassment and Violence
  • Accessibility
  • Disconnecting from Work (if applicable)
  • Electronic Monitoring of Employees (if applicable)

Memo on Training and Posting Requirements

A memo explaining your obligations as an employer with respect to training required by law as well as posting requirements in the workplace.

Up to two hours of time with a lawyer

Two hours of legal advice are included within the scope of the package to customize the template contract and policies and answer any questions you may have.

Guide to Canadian Employment Law

A guidebook explaining the fundamentals of Canadian Employment Law.

Two template employment contracts

Template contracts which can be customized for use when retaining new and/or existing employees. Options include:

  • Templates for new employees (different templates for part-time, full-time, fixed term, indefinite term, salaried employees, hourly employees, sales employees, etc)
  • Templates for existing employees
  • Templates for new or existing managerial employees
  • etc.

Employee Handbook

The Handbook will contain all policies included in the Bronze Package plus several policies which we strongly recommend that you have in place, specifically policies relating to:

  • Work Schedules, Time Off and Leaves of Absence, including addressing attendance & absenteeism
  • Privacy
  • Business Conduct, including
    • Confidential Information
    • Computer, Internet and Social Media Use
    • Conflict of Interest
  • Discipline and Dismissal
  • Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination
  • Fitness for Duty

Memo on Training and Posting Requirements

A memo explaining your obligations as an employer with respect to training required by law as well as posting requirements in the workplace.

Up to four hours of time with a lawyer

Four hours of legal advice are included within the scope of the package to customize the template contracts and policies and answer any questions you may have.

Guide to Canadian Employment Law

A guidebook setting out a general discussion of Canadian Employment Law.

Four template employment contracts

Template contracts which can be customized for use when retaining new and/or existing employees. Options include:

  • Templates for new employees (different templates for part-time, full-time, fixed term, indefinite term, salaried employees, hourly employees, sales employees, etc)
  • Templates for existing employees
  • Templates for new or existing managerial employees
  • etc.

Employee Handbook

The Handbook will contain all policies included in the Silver Package plus many other policies that will increase your rights, specifically policies relating to:

  • Requests for Accommodation
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Orientation and Training
  • Compensation
  • Flex Hours and Remote Work
  • Leaves of Absence
  • Expenses and Travel
  • Dress Code and Housekeeping
  • Civil Emergencies and Business Interruptions
Memo on Training and Posting Requirements

A memo explaining your obligations as an employer with respect to training required by law as well as posting requirements in the workplace.

Up to eight hours of time with a lawyer

Eight hours of legal advice are included within the scope of the package to customize the template contracts and policies and answer any questions you may have.

Our Platinum Package offers clients the ability to “build their own package” by customizing the scope of what is included to best suit their unique needs. Clients can choose:

  1. the number of template contracts they require,
  2. to add policies and further customize the Handbook, and
  3. the number of hours of legal advice included within the package.
Guide to Canadian Employment Law

A guidebook setting out a general discussion of Canadian Employment Law.

Template employment contracts

A set number of template contracts, to be determined based on your needs, which can be customized for use when retaining new and/or existing employees. Options include:

  • Templates for new employees (different templates for part-time, full-time, fixed term, indefinite term, salaried employees, hourly employees, sales employees, etc)
  • Templates for existing employees
  • Templates for new or existing managerial employees
  • etc.

Employee Handbook

A fully customized Employee Handbook which contains all policies included within the Gold Package, as well as any additional policies that you identify as important to the operation of your specific workplace. This can include incorporating any of your existing policies or procedures into the Handbook.

Memo on Training and Posting Requirements

A memo explaining your obligations as an employer with respect to training required by law as well as posting requirements in the workplace.

Hours of time with a lawyer

A set amount of hours of legal advice included within the scope of the package, to be determined based on your needs, to be used to customize the template contracts and Handbook and answer any questions you may have.

Pricing for the Platinum Package will depend on your unique needs and the degree of customization required.

Timeline for Completion

We want to ensure that your new contract template(s) and Handbook are implemented as soon as possible so that you can be confident your business is in compliance with its legal obligations and set up for success. As a result, all Starter Packages must be completed within six months from the date of purchase.


We offer a number of Optional Add-Ons that can be used to supplement your Starter Package. From adding further template contracts or Handbook customization to completing training for your staff, we have you covered. For further details, please see below.


The Starter Packages are priced for employers with operations in Ontario only. We are happy to offer Starter Packages which include other jurisdictions in Canada. Please contact us to discuss your needs and pricing.

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Optional Add-Ons

Additional Contract Templates

The Bronze, Silver and Gold Starter Packages each include a set number of contract templates for your use. If you need additional templates over and above what is included within these packages, we are happy to prepare them for you at a reasonable fixed fee. Pricing will depend on the number and type of additional templates required. Please contact us to discuss your needs.

Customization of Handbooks

The Bronze, Silver and Gold Starter Packages each include Handbooks with a fixed set of policies. You may want to further customize the Handbooks included within these Packages by adding additional policies or incorporating in existing procedures that you already have in place – and we want to assist you to do so! Our goal is to ultimately provide you with a fulsome Handbook that will best assist you to manage your workplace.

Please contact us to discuss adding additional policies to the Bronze, Silver or Gold Package Handbooks. Pricing will be based on the extent of customization required.

Subscription Services/Monthly Retainer

Subscription Services

Employment laws and best practices, as well as social circumstances, are constantly evolving and your employment policies need to evolve along with them. Consider what happened in 2020, and all the ways in which your policies should have adapted to unanticipated circumstances.

Signing up for a subscription service with Rudner Law will ensure that your policies remain up to date. On a quarterly basis, we will review your existing policies and identify any significant changes to the law that could impact your workplace. We will then provide you with an updated version of the impacted policies to replace the obsolete version(s), or provide you with a new policy to supplement your existing Employee Handbook. With the subscription service, you can rest easy knowing we’ve got you covered.

Monthly Retainer

We know that unexpected legal costs can be challenging for businesses of all sizes. All too often we hear about clients not contacting their employment counsel for advice because they were concerned about the cost of reaching out. Unfortunately, this can lead to more costs down the road which could have been easily avoided if we had been involved at an earlier stage. In many cases, we are only contacted after they receive a lawyer’s letter threatening litigation, or a Statement of Claim. Instead of helping them prevent the issue, we then have to spend much more time fixing it.

We don’t want you to worry about the cost of every phone call or email. That is why we are pleased to offer our clients the option of a monthly retainer, which is designed to cover the cost of dealing with all regular employment law matters, such as advice and assistance regarding:

  • hiring and contract terms for new employees;
  • performance management;
  • promotions and other changes in duties;
  • progressive discipline;
  • responding to requests for accommodation and managing employees on leaves
    of absence;
  • dealing with complaints of workplace harassment and violence; and
  • assessing employee entitlements on dismissal and preparing termination letters.

The cost of the monthly retainer is flexible and will depend on your unique needs as a business.

Please note that the monthly retainer excludes any costs relating to litigation (e.g. responding to a demand letter from a former employee, advising you with respect to a human rights application, etc.) or other project-based services. Costs for these services would be billed at our regular hourly rates or agreed-upon fixed fees.

Hours do not need to be used within the month they are accrued; clients are free to use their accrued hours at any time within 12 months of the start or renewal date of the retainer agreement.


Employers in Ontario have certain mandatory legal obligations when it comes to providing training for their workers, including training with respect to Health and Safety, Harassment and Violence, and Accessibility. In addition, it is important that all workers have a clear understanding of an employer’s policies, procedures and practices in order for these to be effective in the workplace. Providing training to your staff on your policies can be an important tool to assist you to manage your workplace.

We would be happy to design training programs and conduct training with your staff, or assist you to develop training materials for your own use. We offer training on a variety of subjects, including the following:

Legally Required Training: Health and Safety, Harassment and Violence, and Accessibility

Basic Mandatory Training Package

This package provides you with the following resources:

  • links to the mandatory Health and Safety Awareness Training for Workers and Supervisors developed by the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development, for your employees to complete independently;
  • links to the Accessibility Training Modules developed by AccessForward in partnership with the Government of Ontario, for your employees to complete independently; and
  • links to the Training on the Ontario Human Rights Code prepared by the Ontario Human Rights Commission, for your employees to complete independently.

In addition to these free training resources, which provide employees with general knowledge of concepts of Health and Safety, Accessibility and Human Rights, we will design a training program for your employees which provides specific information relating to your unique policies and procedures, including:

  • training on your Workplace Health and Safety Policy, including hazards and safety measures in the workplace, evacuation procedures, and how to report a workplace hazard or issue;
  • training on your Workplace Harassment and Violence Policy, including identifying workplace harassment and violence, reporting complaints, and the procedure for investigations to be conducted; and
  • training on your Accessibility Policies, including how your business has achieved or intends to achieve its accessibility objectives and who employees should contact if they have questions or concerns.

Full Mandatory Training Package

This package would provide you with up to a full day of training for your staff, which would cover all of your mandatory training requirements under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, and the Ontario Human Rights Code. It would cover both the general training requirements described above, as well as training which is specific to your workplace.

Either the basic or full training packages can be designed and customized to suit your needs. Pricing for all training sessions will depend on your unique needs, which we would be pleased to discuss pricing options with you.

Employment Law 101 Training

In the Employment Law 101 training program, we will provide your staff with the background information they need to understand the Company’s rights and obligations as an employer. This training can be customized for managers and supervisors, HR staff, and members of the executive team, who have their own individual duties as members of the management team in the workplace, or can be kept general to apply to all staff levels. This program can training on the following topics:

  • recruiting and hiring, including risks in the hiring process;
  • the strategic use of contracts and policies;
  • misclassification of workers;
  • discipline and performance management of employees;
  • the importance of fair workplace investigations;
  • obligations of managers and supervisors for health and safety in the workplace;
  • an employee’s entitlements on dismissal; and
  • an employee’s right to be treated with respect and good faith.

This training program is highly flexible, and topics can be adjusted, broken out or focussed on in more depth at your request, or depending on who the training is designed for. We will discuss pricing with you based on your unique needs.


All add-ons are priced for employers with operations in Ontario only. We are happy to offer add-ons which include other jurisdictions in Canada. Please contact us to discuss your needs and pricing.

Further Customization and Questions

If you would like to discuss further add-ons or customization options for your Starter Package, or are wondering if an entirely separate project can be completed on a fixed fee basis, please reach out to us. We like to get away from the billable hour whenever possible and work on a project or fixed-fee basis. In most cases, we can work with you to determine a reasonable and cost effective fee for the project you have in mind.

If you have any questions about the Starter Packages, the Add-Ons, or fixed fee projects generally, please contact us. We look forward to working with you!

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fired for cause book

You’re Fired! Just Cause for Dismissal in Canada

This well-written and comprehensive textbook, authored by Stuart Rudner, provides legal advice to employers, employees, and their legal counsel, as to whether summary dismissal is appropriate in a particular circumstance.

Employment Lawyers - Rudner Law
Alternative Dispute Resolution Rudner Law

Rudner Law
15 Allstate Parkway
Suite 600
Markham, ON
L3R 5B4

Phone: 416-864-8500
Text: 416-864-8500


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