Are you experiencing issues in the workplace? Do you need an Employment Lawyer in the Hamilton area?
- Were you constructively or wrongfully terminated from your employment and you want your severance package reviewed to ensure it is fair?
- Do you have a new job offer and need a lawyer to review the employment contract to ensure it meets or exceeds all Employment Standards Act requirements?
- Are you experiencing discrimination, harassment and/or bullying at work and have questions about the Human Rights Code?
The knowledgeable team of employment lawyers at Rudner Law can help you! If you live or work in Hamilton, we can review the details of your employment contract or wrongful dismissal case.
We have years of experience providing legal advice and representation to both employers and employees. We are available to help with any situation involving your employment relationships, including:
- Workplace harassment and bullying;
- Human Rights, Discrimination, and Accommodation;
- Pregnancy and parental, medical and disability, and personal emergency leaves of absences;
- Non-competition, non-solicitation, duty of confidentiality clauses in contracts and severance packages;
- Constructive dismissal due to substantial change to a fundamental term of the employment agreement; and more.
We can meet remotely by video or phone, which means our employment lawyers can easily help you in Hamilton. We also have access to meeting spaces across Ontario, including conveniently located spaces in Hamilton.
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with an Employment Lawyer in Hamilton
Questions about how our employment law consultation process works in Hamilton? Be sure to check our our Frequently Asked Questions about the consultation process.
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Meet Our Team of Hamilton Employment Lawyers
If you think you might need an employment lawyer in Hamilton, you probably do!
Talk To Us Before You Do Something That Could Impact Your Legal Rights.