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Employment Standards - Articles & Videos

Legislative Update: Upcoming Changes to the ESA and the OHSA Effective July 1, 2025

Legislative Update: Upcoming Changes to the ESA and the OHSA Effective July 1, 2025

The Ontario government has provided clarification on a few notable changes introduced in Bill 190 and earlier legislative updates.

Legislative Update: New Job Posting Requirements Will Take Effect January 1, 2026

Legislative Update: New Job Posting Requirements Will Take Effect January 1, 2026

New job posting requirements will only apply to employers with 25 or more employees on the day the publicly advertised job posting is posted.

Ontario Legislature Sets July 1, 2025, for Digital Platform Workers’ Rights Act

Ontario Legislature Sets July 1, 2025, for Digital Platform Workers’ Rights Act

Nearly everyone has used a rideshare app to get where they need to go or a food delivery app to get something delivered. Few of us ever consider the work arrangement of the person delivering us or our food to the destination.

Working for Workers Five Act Receives Royal Assent

Working for Workers Five Act Receives Royal Assent

On October 28, 2024, the Working for Workers Five Act received Royal Assent and became law. It includes amendments to a number of Ontario employment laws.

The Ballad of the “Probationary” Employee

The Ballad of the “Probationary” Employee

Employers of all stripes make similar mistakes by assuming that because the ESA requires no notice for employees with less than three months of service, they are “probationary” employees and thus have no obligations towards them.

Ghosting in (Employment) Relationships

Ghosting in (Employment) Relationships

Whether you are an employer or an employee, you have rights and obligations at each stage of the relationship and you do not have to necessarily “tolerate” ghosting from the other side.

Reminder: Saving Provisions Will Not Save an Unenforceable Termination Clause

Reminder: Saving Provisions Will Not Save an Unenforceable Termination Clause

In the recent decision, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice provided another reminder that saving provisions in an employment agreement will not save a termination provision which violates, or has the potential to violate, the requirements of the Employment Standards Act, 2000.

Overtime for Managers and Supervisors

Overtime for Managers and Supervisors

There is an exemption from overtime rules that apply to managers and supervisors, although it is a narrow exemption.

Government of Ontario Introduces “Working for Workers Five Act”

Government of Ontario Introduces “Working for Workers Five Act”

If enacted, the Working for Workers Five Act will revise several Ontario employment laws, including the Employment Standards Act, 2000 and the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Accepting New Employment During a Temporary Layoff

Accepting New Employment During a Temporary Layoff

The answer is not the same in every circumstance; however, in two recent cases, it was found that an employee on temporary layoff had not resigned by accepting new employment elsewhere.

Employment Lawyers - Rudner Law
Alternative Dispute Resolution Rudner Law

Rudner Law
15 Allstate Parkway
Suite 600
Markham, ON
L3R 5B4

Phone: 416-864-8500
Text: 416-864-8500


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