Outstanding speakers will share their expertise so you:
  • Understand all relevant legislation
  • Identify risks before incidents occur
  • Protect transgender targets of discrimination, harassment and violence
  • Handle complaints against the C-Suite professionally
  • Use the tools and protocols for risk/hazard assessment
  • Meet your obligations to employees experiencing domestic violence
  • Make sure supervisors and managers fulfill their front line responsibilities for preventing discrimination, harassment, bullying & violence
  • Resolve the tension between the duty to accommodate employees with mental illness and the obligation to maintain a safe workplace
  • Fulfill complex privacy and confidentiality obligations
  • Know when, if ever, it is permissible to breach a confidence?
  • Gauge when and if microaggression

Stuart is presenting Complaints Against C-Suite Executives: Conducting a Proper Investigation While Managing Reputational Damage

When an allegation of harassment arises against a leading executive, it can send the company into a tailspin. HR leaders can panic if they are not prepared. Topics include:

  • The power dynamic, trust and equity issues
  • Developing a “Relationships at Work” policy that is pragmatic and useful
  • Written policies around disclosure of relationships
  • The need for comprehensive disciplinary procedures laying out steps that should be taken if a C-Suite individual commits an act of misconduct
  • Contract provisions to provide employers with tools and rights to allow for investigation
  • Is termination always necessary?
  • Is termination always appropriate?
  • Considerations in recruiting executives who reflect organizational values
  • Why witnesses and complainants don’t report
  • The need for training for executives