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HR Lawyers, Employment Lawyers, Workplace Lawyers...whatever you call us, you'll be glad you did.
Text Us: 416-864-8500  |   Meet Us: Employees / Employers |   Phone Us: 416-864-8500


Do you offer free consultations?

We do not offer free consultations. In fact, we don’t offer Consultations; we offer Strategy Sessions, which are detailed meetings structured for maximum value and effectiveness. They are designed to be comprehensive enough that, in many cases, you can walk away with enough information to resolve the issue without further involvement on our part, thereby saving you any additional costs. Legal advice is what we sell, so it is hard to justify giving it away for free.

Our Strategy Session is a fixed-fee process that involves reviewing the background and up to one hour of meeting time. The fee will depend on the level of experience of the lawyer you meet with, and will be fully disclosed and mutually agreed upon prior to meeting.

Employment Lawyers - Rudner Law
Alternative Dispute Resolution Rudner Law

Rudner Law
15 Allstate Parkway
Suite 600
Markham, ON
L3R 5B4

Phone: 416-864-8500
Text: 416-864-8500


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Rudner Law - Employment Lawyers
ADR Services for Employment Law
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