Harassment and Bullying - Articles & Videos
Workplace Harassment: Recourses for Employees in Ontario
Here we explore the various avenues available to employees dealing with workplace harassment in Ontario, even when the recognized “tort of harassment” remains elusive.
Tort of Harassment Rediscovered in Alberta
Whether this will be an interesting piece of trivia or binding law remains to be seen. For right now, however, harassment as a cause of action once again exists in Canada’s legal system.
How and When to Conduct Workplace Investigations
Workplace investigations have taken on tremendous importance in the world of HR. Failing to investigate, or failing to investigate properly, can result in significant liability. Nadia explains how and when to conduct them, as well as some best practices for employers.
Employers: Are you Prepared for an Incident of Workplace Violence in your Workplace?
What if Will Smith and Chris Rock were your employees? Are you prepared for an incident of workplace violence?
2021: The Employment Year in Review – Part Two
Part two of our 2021 review. In the world of employment law, 2021 was a year of contrasts. What might these changes mean for the Canadian employment law landscape?
Treatment of Articling Student Teaches Employer a Lesson: Unfounded Allegations Could Cost You
Employers often wonder, “what’s the worst that could happen?” The recent case of Acumen Law v Ojanen is a good demonstration.
No Shakes Please, We’re British: Determining Appropriate Conduct in the Workplace
While certain behaviours are clearly never acceptable in the workplace, there may be a new culprit on the no-no list: handshakes.
Hollywood in the Aftermath of the #MeToo Movement
It’s now 2019, and while Me Too is part of our vocabulary now, you may not hear it every day. But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t still making news.
Pink Shirt Day
On this February 27, we at Rudner Law wear pink not only in solidarity with that young boy, but with everyone who feels bullied or oppressed just because they dare to be different.
2018 Year in Review: Sex, Drugs and…Termination Clauses?
While 2017 brought about sweeping changes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000, 2018…brought about sweeping changes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000. While 2017 brought about employer panic and confusion over the legalization of cannabis, 2018… continued to do much the same. For yet another year, we were treated to several judicial assessments of the enforceability of termination clauses, and we continued to see the quantums of human rights and other damages increase. In a sense, everything old is new again.