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Request a Strategy Session

What You Need To Know About Our Strategy Sessions

We always begin with a Strategy Session, during which we will ensure that we understand why you think you may need a lawyer and we will explain how the law applies to your situation. You will leave the Strategy Session with an understanding of the law, your rights and obligations, and the options and strategies available to you.

We do not offer free consultations. Instead of a cursory assessment of your case, we offer Strategy Sessions designed for maximum value and effectiveness. Legal advice is what we sell, so it is hard to justify giving it away for free.

Our Strategy Session is a fixed-fee process that involves reviewing the background and up to one hour of meeting time. The fee will depend on the level of experience of the lawyer you meet with, and will be fully disclosed and mutually agreed upon prior to meeting.

No. At the conclusion of the Strategy Session , you can decide whether you want to retain Rudner Law to advise and represent you as you move forward or not. By that time, we will have discussed your situation, options and strategies, as well as how our fees work. If you choose to retain us, we will provide you with our Engagement Letter confirming the terms of our relationship.

We will consider a contingency arrangement in appropriate circumstances. In order to assess the circumstances and determine whether a contingency arrangement is appropriate, we would have to have the initial Strategy Session first.

That said, we do like to find alternatives to the billable hour. Some tasks, such as contract reviews, lend themselves well to fixed-fee arrangements. When possible, we will discuss alternative billing arrangements with you.

The Strategy Session Process

When we work with an individual, we almost always begin with a formal Strategy Session. Ideally, this is a meeting by video conference, although we can arrange an in-person meeting or telephone meeting as well.

Our Strategy Session is a fixed-fee process that involves up to one hour of meeting time, in addition to the time that we spend reviewing the information that you provide to us in advance. During the meeting, we will:

  1. Review your situation,
  2. Explain the law,
  3. Analyze how the law applies to your situation, and
  4. Discuss your options and potential strategies.

The goal is to ensure that by the end of the Strategy Session you will have an understanding of:

  • The legal principles involved,
  • Your rights and obligations, and
  • The options and strategies available to you.

This includes an assessment of the most efficient and cost-effective manner of proceeding to protect your rights. You will leave the Strategy Session with an understanding of the law, your rights and obligations, and the options and strategies available to you.

When you contact our firm, our staff will ask preliminary questions in order to understand the nature of the situation. We can then recommend the lawyer or lawyers that can best serve your needs and schedule the Strategy Session. We will also tell you exactly what information and documentation we will need in order to properly understand and assess your case.

The fee will depend on the level of experience of the lawyer you meet with, and will be fully disclosed and mutually agreed upon prior to meeting.

We have successfully advised and represented hundreds of individuals with respect to their employment law concerns. The worst thing that you can do is nothing; as we often say, “if you think you may need an Employment Lawyer, then you probably do”.

Seeing a lawyer may seem like an unnecessary expense, but we have never had someone tell us that they regretted coming in for a Strategy Session. We will work with you to ensure that you understand your rights and where appropriate, we will represent you to pursue a positive outcome, either through negotiation or litigation.

Our core values should give you a better sense of who we are and how approach the practice of law:

  • Give our client what they need
  • You are a client, not a file
  • Educate and Advise
  • We will be your Trusted Advisor
  • Reasonably Aggressive or Aggressively Reasonable
  • Using Technology to be more efficient
  • No Surprises
  • Reasonable Billing
  • Local, yet global

We want to be your Trusted Advisors.

Employment Lawyers - Rudner Law
Alternative Dispute Resolution Rudner Law

Rudner Law
15 Allstate Parkway
Suite 600
Markham, ON
L3R 5B4

Phone: 416-864-8500
Text: 416-864-8500


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Rudner Law - Employment Lawyers
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